General Category > AI War II - Ideas For Maybe Later

A self-indulgent musing from Chris.

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Hey folks. ;)

So listen, I like making action-y games sometimes.  Nothing super complex in this particular case, but I remember in SimCity I always really coveted the ability to go down and walk around in my city, or drive a car, or whatever, right?  I think it was City Life that enabled the ability to do that, and it was neat, but at the same time it was limited since all you did was walk and that was it.

I'm curious how you'd feel if I included a little pointless minigame in here that basically you could toggle into some ship (not one of your actual ships) and fly around in various areas and shoot enemies (not actual enemy ships).  It would not be network-synced, and in a lot of respects would be probably termed as something like "pilot training" using "real world locales."

If someone is having "Netflix time," they could do this for a bit to blow off some steam.  Or do whatever else they want.  It wouldn't be complicated or involved, and for me personally it would be a neat little diversion, practically an easter egg that simply isn't all that hidden.

This wouldn't solve any grand problem or be part of the core gameplay loop at all, or indeed accomplish ANYTHING in the main game.  So from an actual main-game standpoint this is utterly pointless.  Just like walking around your city in City Life.

But man I still liked the ability to do that every so often. :)

It wouldn't impact Keith's code at all, I wouldn't add it for a while, and it would only take me a couple of days at most to get the simplified version of it in there.  I'm curious how folks react to the idea of this bit of self-indulgence, though, because that's ultimately what it is.

Captain Jack:
Prime stretch goal material and should be handled as such.

And I never realized I wanted Arcen to make its own Wing Commander/Freespace.  :P

Fake edit: Cinth's thread is basically his answer to this, you should merge the threads.


--- Quote from: Captain Jack on September 14, 2016, 09:18:04 pm ---Fake edit: Cinth's thread is basically his answer to this, you should merge the threads.
--- End quote ---

No it isn't.  I'm being evil and I think you'll understand why soon enough.

Captain Jack:

--- Quote from: Cinth on September 14, 2016, 09:24:05 pm ---
--- Quote from: Captain Jack on September 14, 2016, 09:18:04 pm ---Fake edit: Cinth's thread is basically his answer to this, you should merge the threads.
--- End quote ---

No it isn't.  I'm being evil and I think you'll understand why soon enough.

--- End quote ---
I understood perfectly well, unless both units are being removed from the game or unless the Dark Spire are a major faction in their own right. In which case I still understand.  :P


--- Quote from: x4000 on September 14, 2016, 08:04:20 pm ---Hey folks. ;)

So listen, I like making action-y games sometimes.  Nothing super complex in this particular case, but I remember in SimCity I always really coveted the ability to go down and walk around in my city, or drive a car, or whatever, right?  I think it was City Life that enabled the ability to do that, and it was neat, but at the same time it was limited since all you did was walk and that was it.

I'm curious how you'd feel if I included a little pointless minigame in here that basically you could toggle into some ship (not one of your actual ships) and fly around in various areas and shoot enemies (not actual enemy ships).  It would not be network-synced, and in a lot of respects would be probably termed as something like "pilot training" using "real world locales."

If someone is having "Netflix time," they could do this for a bit to blow off some steam.  Or do whatever else they want.  It wouldn't be complicated or involved, and for me personally it would be a neat little diversion, practically an easter egg that simply isn't all that hidden.

This wouldn't solve any grand problem or be part of the core gameplay loop at all, or indeed accomplish ANYTHING in the main game.  So from an actual main-game standpoint this is utterly pointless.  Just like walking around your city in City Life.

But man I still liked the ability to do that every so often. :)

It wouldn't impact Keith's code at all, I wouldn't add it for a while, and it would only take me a couple of days at most to get the simplified version of it in there.  I'm curious how folks react to the idea of this bit of self-indulgence, though, because that's ultimately what it is.

--- End quote ---

I suggested something like this in the other thread. It's an idea worthy of thinking about. Maybe, first-person control of one ship or defensive unit.


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