Author Topic: Things like Dyson Antagonizers  (Read 4388 times)

Offline BadgerBadger

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Things like Dyson Antagonizers
« on: January 09, 2017, 11:36:30 am »
I really like the dyson antagonizer motif; I have to hunt through the galaxy quickly for something that's an imminent threat and getting stronger the longer I wait, and when I destroy it I get something good. Since the Dyson Sphere is in AI War 2, I would like it if the antagonizer could show up too, but I tihnk it would be cool if we could get other things like it. Thoughts?

Offline BadgerBadger

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Re: Things like Dyson Antagonizers
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2017, 12:15:32 pm »
An example could be that every so often the AI would build a structure like an Antagonized Dyson Sphere that spawns an endless flood of ships that attack you. You would have a warning "The AI is building a Dire Guardian Launcher on Murdoch; construction at 55%", and you could either ignore it or go destroy the structure and the fleet guarding it. A bit like Warp Relays, maybe, though it would be good to be able to destroy the partially constructed building. I really like the notion of dynamically generated, mid game mini quests or objectives.