Here's the core issue: There will always be some strategy that works at high difficulties. It will involve being very careful and precise, and optimizing the player's gains while minimizing the AI's gains. I don't know exactly what this strategy will be in AI War 2. But it will exist.
Yes, it will. No issue with it. I thing I'm being misunderstood here. I can't blame that there is an optimal route to victory... there's always going to be one.
The issue I have is the other way, it's that the current optimal path has "gameplay issues", tied to being low-AIP.
Let's say that in a game there is 5 mechanics, aimed at providing difficulty to the player. Players have fun, some are more "efficient" than others. Some set their own challenges. Then some guy finds a strategy that enables him to win on from low to very high difficulty... By completely removing the effect of 3 of the 5 mechanics that aimed to provide difficulty, because of a probably unpredicted "flaw" in the game design.
Would you want the dev to re-enable the 3 mechanics that didn't work, by clearing out the "flaw" in the game design ? Or to implement 5 new mechanics to provide more difficulty when using the strategy that bypassed what the dev put in the game to provide difficulty in the first place ?
Example, if in Warcraft 3 the optimal way of playing was without heroes ? I'd want heroes back.
Back to the low AIP discussion, the ultra low AIP "worst abuse" for me was some guy winning the game with only one planet and people which played constantly at AIP floor. As I saw it, Arcen tried to block that with CSGs, deep strike counter-attacks, reduction in some of what's available to the player, energy management... loads of stuff, but the low AIP strat had gained a big following. Or something else. They also introduced some special mechanics specially for 10/10 games, if what I read of Kahuna's game is correct. Also introduced difficulty mechanics which that are not based on AIP (and plan to do more in the sequel). I've no clue if all of those mechanics are tied to said strategies being in place, but they do counter it from small to large extend... so. I count them as being in part for that.
My opinion is that in addition to CSGs, AIP reduction should have been nerfed enough so that the AIP floor was irrelevant, and the core worlds made stronger. Oh, and, when I speak about moving number around here, I speak about moving the AI responses to account for the AIP reduction being gone, the mechanics that scaled to AIP being boosted. It's a total rebalance of the game - hence I wouldn't advise it for AI War I. Too much work. But, for AI War II, complete balance is to be redone... so why not. Yes, moving numbers from 0-500 to 200-700 with no changes is pointless. I don't wish / aim to make the game more difficult "just because", and acknowledge that modification to AIP will imply huge balance rework.
Another issue I have about the low AIP route is the image I put in copy. It's the schematic representation, as I see it, of the relative power of the player against the AI (or AIP) during such a game, based on the low AIP games I played / AAR I've read. The "step" at the end is the core killing. (Of course, it's way more bumpy than that in reality, I'm trying to be VERY schematic here). What I'd prefer, from a "design" view, would be that both view go up a lot more "proportionally" to each other, depending on the difficulty level - because I sincerely think that players would have more fun with such a route, that "resists" more. I don't like games where the start is very hard, and then you know you've won because all of a sudden the game stops being harder.
Of course, whatever happened over the years is probably waaaaaayyyy more complicated than that, and possibly I'm missing information and / or issues. Possibly I'm dead wrong, or right, or out of the box, or it's completely irrelevant because something else will happen. That said, my opinion is about the only thing that I fully know... so. I'm pushing my agenda. As partial as my view is, it's the only one I got. About the AIP reduction being nerfed, there is possibly a huge thing about it that eluded me for years, and I'm dead wrong about it.
Simply put, my opinion of the low AIP route is that, from what I've seen, it "disables", or neutralize heavily, mechanics that aim to provide difficulty to the game (more at lower diff levels than at high level, which is an issue for me), and it's cheesing the difficulty curve of the game. I'm therefore against letting it be the "default" option. Some other cheese will arise, but at least "more" of the game will be there accross all difficulty levels.
And, yes, sorry. I don't always say it, but the game's going to be moddable, and, Arcen has since forever answered to even some blatant balance issues with "ok, let's make it an option". So I kind of forget to say it now. Sorry about that. I don't need / want to remove any options from you. I am beginning to be a bit touchy about this subject because I don't remember seeing arguments stating that the low AIP route is great or fun to play. I remember people stating that "it's necessary because high diff, and I love high diff", which is solved, and could be attained, by rebalancing the game, and "don't touch my playstyle", which IMO is irrelevant (see first phrase of paragraph). I litterally don't care what's in "options" to make your life harder / easier. I'm focussed on making the "vanilla", the "default" options as fun as possible. That's about all I wish for AI war 2. ToO bring people in, and have fun, if possible with vanilla options.
If you disagree with me that the current low-AIP mechanics should be the "default" mechanics, I'm open to discussing it. Otherwise, I hope I covered the subjects.
PS: I did find my fun on one of the "non-optimal" routes. That AI War is a great game because it has options is an opinion I share, even if apparently, it does not seem so to other people speaking to me.
PS2: possibly this post sounds like I'm criticizing the huge design work that has been made over the years. I acknowledge that it's much more complicated than what I make it sound like and, if anyone is "bruised" by it... sorry. Not my intention.