Currently, space docks and starship constructers are dirt cheap and build speed can be scaled practically infinitely with engineers. The number of docks you make is practically irrelevant because they cost nothing, take no time to build, and can be scaled practically infinitely with more engineers. Does that have to be the case?
I think it would provide some good strategic variety if each dock costs lots of metal and built ships faster but could not be supported by engineers. What if each space dock cost 100k metal and took two minutes (without adjustment) to build? It'd then be pretty important to place your shipbuilding facilities in important places - you either put it in the back where it's safe causing your reinforcements are slow, or in the front, where they're in danger but they can reinforce your fleet more easily. The number of docks you have will also be important - the more docks you have, the faster you can refleet, but it will cost more money and require significant investment. If your shipbuilding facilities are wiped out, forget about having reinforcements for a while, your fleet will have to deal with things alone for some time.
This allows for the AI to have more meaningful but replaceable targets (that hurt but don't nag you for the rest of the game) when attacking human players. Losing fabricators or advanced consructors in AI War classic sucks hard because their death is often extremely preventable, and you likely just lost something permanently because you were looking away for a little bit. Losing space docks is almost completely ignorable, you just send your engineers to make new ones in 15 seconds, and everything is hunky dory. If space docks were expensive and rate-limited, losing constructors would be a hit to your fleet producing capabilities but it won't hurt you for the entire game.
This also could possibly allow people to make builds, build orders, and play AI War like other RTS's. Right now, everyone pretty much builds the same stuff - a handful of docks and all the engineers you can get your hands on to churn out ships. You build caps of your fleet ships, maybe some starships and use them to hit AI worlds. You make new ships as you lose them, often at the speed of light as long as you have enough metal. Defenses are probably the most different amongst most players, but that's a different story. I just think it'd be fun to maybe see people with build orders and guides like: '2 space dock fighter rush strat', or something along those lines.
I'm drawing a lot of inspiration from starcraft, wherein build orders are essential to get X amount of military force by Y time. I'm not sure how this this would be effective in AI War, however, as it isn't a normal RTS. You always have the initiative and the AI is almost always as vulnerable as it will ever be. Attacking at your first planet at 4 minutes and attacking at 8 minutes into the game often has absolutely no difference in the long run. Even in high AIP games, the early game is extremely survivable. I have never once really felt threatened in the first 15-20 minutes of a game no matter what difficulty I've played on.
TL;DR: Make space docks more expensive and rate-limited
-Makes placing space docks a meaningful choice
-Placement location will be a strategic decision that is important for reinforcement time and defendability
-Gives the AI more acceptable targets than your capturables and command stations.
-Allows for divergent playstyles: If you want to be capable of throwing your fleet away and living you have to work for it. If you don't want to spend your metal on more docks you need to play more conservatibvely.
-Can possibly give rise to a build-order metagame that would enrich the strategy of the game