I thought of something, should hacking be in the game.
Hacking a grape could have the following effects:
- delay (would delay the ripening),
- sabotage would inflict a malus of some sort to the spawned unit, and matches well what is done with the marks on the other thread)
- emp when ripening, instead creates a (large ?) emp wave which enables the player to exploit the grape,
- explode same as above, but explodes,
- parasite all ship spawned actually... fight the AI.
Another idea:
This is in addition to "grapes" keeping the ship bay format. Which means that one grape would have one ship type only. But, should it spawn a wave, it would / could need multiple grapes no ? That would mean that grapes would actually really spawn as multiple "structures" and you'd get the choice of destroying 'only' the most annoying ones, rather than all.
Example: a grape with 2 "HK grape", 4 "bomber grape", 2 "flagship grape" => the player could only destroy the HK ones.
We plugged it initially into the astrotrains proposal as destinations of trains at fabricator worlds, which may be building, say, golems. Normal waves could also conceivably use this, but I would not like a way for players to consistently prevent all types of AI aggression
Yes, I think it can be plugged into trains, but could exist independantly. That said, as stated above, I don't think either that it's a good idea to replace entirely regular waves with this. I think chemical_art had the right idea (a bit above) on this one, making it a possibility.