Author Topic: Command Theater  (Read 20657 times)

Offline Pireciter

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Command Theater
« on: November 19, 2020, 12:25:43 am »
"Commander on deck!"

The announcement echoed off the briefing room walls, accompanied by the sound of dozens of feet on the floor and all conversation subsiding. As the officer moved toward the front of the room, everyone recognized him as none other than the commander of 2nd Fleet, Terra's Own. 2nd fleet being one of those defending the Solar System itself. More than one looked uneasy, wondering what was going on.

"At ease. I'll keep my comments brief, but we don't have a lot of time. As you no doubt have heard, the AI has done devastating damage to our forces across the quadrant. Latest intel says the AI has seized control of most of our forces and it is only a matter of time until they arrive at Terra." Several gasps were heard as the gathered officers exchanged looks with each other. "I know, you have questions but we don't have time. You all have been brought here because you are the best we have, and the only ones we could gather in time."

"Are we here to coordinate the defense of Terra sir?" The commander shook his head, "No. You are here for something much harder. To not participate at all."

"What?!" exclaimed one. Others immediately made their voices heard as well. "Our brothers and sisters are dying out there! We have to..."

"Attention!" All conversation ceased as if a switch was thrown, though several looked like they were barely containing their anger. "No one likes this, myself included. You haven't heard the numbers, but over 85% of our forces have either been destroyed or taken over. All of our automated systems are compromised. Everything remaining has to be run using manual overrides if they exist, and sabotaged if we are unable to do that."

"But what can we do sir?" "Nothing. At least...not yet." Questions were on the faces of the assembled officers. Slowly, the answers started to dawn, "You all are here to be the commanders of the future fleets. Intel suggests that the AI won't eradicate humanity completely. Once we no longer appear to be a threat, they should ignore the remnants. That's where you will come in." With a few arm motions, he signaled the briefing room computers to dim the lights and bring up the map projectors.

The first map was of Sol System. "We expect the AI to advance along the plane of the ecliptic." Blood red arrows appeared and began advancing, "We've already evacuated our stations around Jupiter and the Mars and Luna colonies are beginning to clear out even now. We want to AI to focus it’s efforts on Terra itself. That will give them the time they need."

A quick gesture zoomed the map in on an orbital view of Terra, "2nd fleet will make our stand here, along with the remainder of our forces. When we engage, you will evacuate from the far side of the planet with as many scientists, engineers, and resources that we can store on a few ships. We have promising technology and manufacturing going along that should allow us to rebuild our fleets so the AI can't take them over, but it will take time to come online. And it's all for naught if the AI breaks through early." The map changed to an organizational chart and timeline. "You all will be placed into stasis during the evacuation. When the survivors have rebuilt facilities and a minimal fleet, you will be thawed out to take command. The rest will be up to you."

The briefing room lights were brought up. Several officers were stone faced, others were fighting back tears, but all were prepared to do their duty. "The shuttle will take you from this station to join the evacuees. You will be placed in stasis at that time. I am truly sorry, but there is no time for any outside contact. You depart immediately."

The commander met the eyes of the men and women assembled in front of him. With a sight bow of his head, he turned to go. Pausing briefly at the door, he turned back and faced them one last time. "All our hopes go with you."


-Some time later-

“Alright everyone, quiet down. I know we just got out of stasis a few weeks ago, but let’s review the situation.” With nods all around and a shifting of chairs, the assembled group turned their attention to the documents in front of them.

“We’ve all seen the data. Terra is gone. Humanity has been reduced to a few orbiting colonies, and the AI has blanketed the galaxy. However, they are currently ignoring us.” With a wave a map of the surrounding quadrant appeared over the conference table, with smaller maps in front of each of the assembled officers. “We may yet be able to strike back, but we must strike carefully. If we draw the AI’s attention to us, we have no chance.”

“But what is our best course of action?” another asked. “There are so many available avenues open to us. The wrong path will doom us all.” Nodding his head, “That is why we are here. To discuss our options and pick our strategy. We’ve all had time to review the strategic picture, so let’s go over the options we’ve come up with.”

A little different for this one folks. Some interaction from the community if you so choose. Those of you who wish can help pick the game strategy. With each post, I will present you with a few different options on how we can proceed. Then, I will rinse and give new ones. Or if you want to, give a door number 3. If no one offers an option, I will pick one myself. Also, I’m going to try and be a little “fluffy” on the posts. Hope it’s enjoyable.

Updates may be a little slower than I usually do. Playtime is harder to come by right now. My next post will present some more fluff and cover the initial bit of time along with the first strategy options.

Now for the game settings:

Map: Realistic/Original/Rectangular/80
Seed: 733829407
7/7/7 Adaptive Mod./Base/Reckless (Should give some more freedom and excitement)
Human Resistance 4/10
Marauders 4/10
Dyson 5/10
Zenith Trader
Cookie Monster

Starting Planet: Rhodia
Version 2.634

Let the games begin.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 12:41:11 am by Pireciter »
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Offline Pireciter

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2020, 12:30:36 am »
Day 5, 1936 Local
Home Fleet Command
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

“They want to trade?”

“That’s affirmative. The Zenith seem to have some fairly powerful blueprints we can purchase. Ranging from advanced power generators to support ships to assist with the local defenses.” Looking down, he slowly shook his head, “Our metal reserves are depleted right now. We’ve spent our stockpile on fortifying the two systems we just captured. Given the expenses involved, it would take a long time to bring anything online. In addition, the traders do not appear to be coming this way. They are heading toward Mote right now. Wouldn’t we prefer to have them here? Our first strike is also bound to rile up the AI a bit. It’s only a matter of time before they start putting feelers out this way.” Nodding slowly, he thought that one over. Scouting had so far only uncovered a single massive structure which seemed to be a major hub for the AI’s control systems. If they could capture it…

“Do we have enough forces to push through? Several stations in the surrounding systems contain information on ship designs. We can use them to increase the size of our fleet.” Glancing over the ship list on his terminal, the choices were very diverse. They could focus on a single ship type, or pick several varieties. Jack of all trades, or master of one.

Leaning closer to the map, he spotted something that he previously overlooked. Reaching out, he tapped his finger on the map slate. “There also appears to be a communications node in this system. We can use that to allow us to coordinate larger groups of our ships.” “That is also true, but do we have many ships that could benefit from this? It seems to be limited to larger craft only.”

“I want all senior commanders assembled at 2100. Orders will be issued at that time.”

“Yes sir.”

Strategic Theatres – Choose 1
A: Operation FLASHLIGHT – Our first opportunity to see what makes the AI tick. Move out and capture the major data center
B: Operation CHRONOS – The discovered communications node. It will boost our frigate C&C capabilities drastically.
C: Operation WAGON TRAIN – The traders have some powerful toys, but they will take time to come online. Focus on the long-term and pour our resources into bringing them into the fold quickly, even though the positions may not be optimal.

Secondary Objectives – Choose 1 of Each:
Ship research: Master one type / Spread things out
Directional focus: West / East

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Offline BadgerBadger

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2020, 02:04:05 pm »
I'm always a fan of the Zenith Trader

Offline Pireciter

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2020, 10:55:57 pm »
----Operation WAGON TRAIN Selected----

Day 15, 0400 Local
Strike Group Orestes
Mote Wormhole, Vap System

“Say again, you are breaking up.” He turned up the gain on the communications system to try and cut through the static.
“I repeat, we…here to help…wondering…show up.”
The sensor officer waved his hand, “Sir, the ship signatures correspond to several isolated fleet groups that were able to avoid AI assimilation.”
“You mean there are other human survivors out there? His eyes narrowed, “A resistance group of sorts?”
“I can only speculate, but it would seem plausible. A space faring species is hard to eliminate.”
Nodding quickly, he came to a decision. “Very well. Try to get them back on the horn. Any help we can get while we hack these research stations would be great. Our resources are thin while home command is working on the constructions they procured from the Zenith.”
His 1st officer leaned over and whispered, “Do you think those items will help us in the long run? I’ve seen the estimated resource cost for them.”
“Yes, I do. I just hope that we can hold them. If the AI gets wind of them, we could be in a world of hurt.”

Day 21, 0424 Local
Strike Group Termagant
System Rim, Ulrickson System

“Keep them off us! We need to be ready to jump once the hack is complete.”
“I’m trying ma’am, but those AI ships have cut us off from the wormhole.”
“Damn…Comms, get a signal to the Orestes. We need some cover out here.”

0448 Local

“Thanks for the help Orestes. Those shields on the AI ships had us blocked.”
“Take more care when starting those ship hacks. I know you love those lightning boats, but those by themselves won’t win this.”
Dropping her head in acknowledgement of the reprimand, “I know. I thought we could use one more group and a drive-by hack looked like it could work.”
“We don’t have resources to be wasteful. We need to guard what we have.”
“Take point Termagant. Let’s go home. We are right behind you.”

Day 43, 2000 Local
Home Fleet Command
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

He closed the after-action report with a snap and looked up at his officers. “Nice work out there. We need to improve our response time a bit though. It was a little close on some of those advance posts.”
“Yes sir, however we are now cleared to a 1-system distance and we are preparing our way whichever that is.”
“Very good. That communications node and data center are still out there. Plus we need to capture some chokepoints coming into our core systems. Those Zenith structures are impressive, but they will need to be protected. The AI has been quiet. I fully expect a reaction soon.”
“We will be ready for them.”
“For all our sakes, I hope you are.”

Operation WAGON TRAIN Results:

2x ZPGs completed
2x Zenith Forcefields completed
2x Scrubbed Aberrations completed
2x Scrubbed Abominations completed

Fleet Status:

Strike Group Orestes –
40x Velociraptor Mk.I
50x Dagger Mk.II
80x Turbo Stingray Mk.I
32x Sniper Mk.I
32x Spider Mk.I
4x Raid Frigate Mk.II

Strike Group Termagant -
64x Space Plane Mk.II
36x Inhibiting Tesla Corvette Mk.II
10x Zapper Mk.II

Tech Updates:
Metal Generation Mk.I
Raid Mk.I
Splash Mk.I

Strategic Theatres – Choose 1
A: Operation FLASHLIGHT – That major center is still out there. And still open for capture. We are in a better position now for it.
B: Operation CHRONOS – The discovered communications node. We still don’t have many ships that will benefit, but it would still be useful
C: Operation CHROME DOME – Capture several planets on our northern flank to blockade and protect our core worlds. These planets are ringed in GREEN on the area map. In addition, clear and neuter the surrounding planets.

Side note: I’m going to try and maintain a 1-update/week rate with this. Give some time to jump in as well as a schedule/questions if anyone has any.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2020, 11:14:58 pm by Pireciter »
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Offline Pireciter

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2020, 09:20:53 pm »
----Operation FLASHLIGHT Selected----

Day 46, 0736 Local
Strike Group Orestes
System Rim, Cresida System

“Sir, the command station is down, and AI is not happy.”
“Thank you for that blunt and direct assessment Ops. Now, what are you doing about it?”
“Um...scanning all warp signals. Seems the counter strike is on it’s way.”
“And we shall be on ours. Let’s pull back for the moment and let our raiding ships do their jobs. Helm, take us back to Dorigo. Tactical, keep those raid frigates killing the posts. We will be back once the AI calms down.”
“Yes sir.”
“Ops, forward me the latest scouting dispatches once we are back in Dorigo. I’ll be in my ready room.”

0800 Local
Dorigo System

“Damn. I was not expecting that. Multiple power generators sighted. One seems to be a similar copy to the two we purchased from the Zenith. And another one of those communications nodes.”
“Yes sir. This was an unexpected discovery.”
“It’s going to be a little challenging to take though. There is a lot of AI in the way. Let’s finish securing the data center first, then we can go exploit that.”

Day 56, 0712 Local
Home Fleet Command
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

“Very well Orestes. Keep me posted on what you find in that data center. Now that we have it under our control, let’s use it fully.
“Yes sir. Are we still pairing up with Termagant for the raid on the communications node?
“That’s affirmative Orestes. Let’s do some crowd control on that AI and finish securing the center for now. I have the Aegis out placing some defenses on our flanks to give us some warning and cover from the AI. Once that’s complete, we can proceed on.
“Understood sir. Orestes out.”

Day 73, 0800
Strike Group Termagant
System Rim, Cresida System

“What is it?”
“I’m not sure ma’am. It seems to be an amplifier of sorts. I can’t make heads or tails of it.”
“Well, whatever it is, it’s getting the AI riled up. Am I reading this right Ops? It’s increasing the AI’s response over time?”
“That is correct. The longer it sits, the worse it will get.”
“Hmm, at least it’s on Elban. That communications node is our next target. Comms, open a channel with Orestes. We may need to speed up our timetable.”

Day 79, 0200 Local
Citadel Aegis
System Rim, Lynch System

“I repeat, it’s larger than anything we have ever seen! It’s massive, and firing at anything mobile.”
“Can you clarify Aegis. Is it AI?”
“I don’t think so command. It seems to have a mind of it’s own. However, it’s making a beeline for Hopcroft.”
“Very well. We will alert our forces there, but if it’s making no overt threat movements we will give it a wide berth. The AI is finally taking notice of us and launching an attack on Mote. Finish your defensive constructions, then make haste that way.”
“Yes sir. We will be finished within a day. Will any other forces be coming to assist?”
“Negative Aegis. All available forces are currently on maneuvers.”
“Understood Command. We will signal you when we are enroute. Aegis out.”

0400 Local
Strike Group Orestes
System Rim, Elban System

“Instigator down.”
“Signal Termagant. Leave the remote ship links active and pull out the transports. Let them weaken the AI while we regroup.”
“Yes sir.”

Day 81, 1336 Local

“Our links are reporting Elban is almost clear. We should be able to move in soon and capture it. Termagant, stay on guard here in case Mote is in danger. Latest intel says the AI strike is imminent.”
“Roger that Orestes. We will keep the home fires burning. Good hunting.”
“Same to you.”

Day 83, 1200 Local
Strike Group Orestes
Low Orbit, Elban System

Looking at the newest Ops report of the communications node, he could only shake his head again in amazement. Initial calculations were showing a 30% increase in the fleet’s C&C capabilities. Standing up and walking to the viewport, he still had too many things on his plate and home command suddenly decided to be indecisive. Granted the scouting reports have pulled in many options, but it’s boiling down to forces. It’s a two hop jump to this communications node and clearing the shorter route would be too costly at the moment. Watching the swarm of ships fly past the viewport, he could only wonder if the AI got as confused as humans sometimes.

Fleet Status:
Strike Group Orestes
52x Velociraptor Mk.I
156x Dagger Mk.III
208x Turbo Stingray Mk.I
42x Sniper Mk.I
42x Spider Mk.I
5x Raid Frigate Mk.III

Strike Group Termagant -
101x Space Plane Mk.III
48x Inhibiting Tesla Corvette Mk.II
10x Zapper Mk.II

Tech Updates:
Raid Mk.II

Strategic Theatres – Choose 1
A: Operation OVERLOAD – Zenith Matter Convertors. Who could have guessed it would be such a powerful item. Go get it and capture another planet along the way to act as a staging area. Circled in GREEN.
B: Operation CHRONOS – The discovered communications node. We still don’t have many ships that will benefit, but it would still be useful. Circled in RED. The next step would be to find ships to benefit.
C: Operation SWITCHBACK – Another Zenith Power Generator has been spotted. Scouting intel says it may be the wrong direction from the AI homeworld, but it could still be worth it. Circled in YELLOW

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Offline Pireciter

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2020, 09:37:50 pm »
Sorry folks. Little delayed on this update. Decided to make a larger post when the first CPA launched. I'll have something tomorrow.
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Offline Pireciter

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2020, 08:45:38 pm »
----Operation OVERLOAD selected----

Day 85, 1200 Local
Strike Group Termagant
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

“Ah, come in please. Sit. Coffee?”
“No thank you ma’am.”
“Do you know why I’ve called you in here?”
“No ma’am.”
She interlaced her fingers and leaned back in her seat. “You have been privy to operational data and have had time to analyze it. I would like to hear your opinion on something. I’m assuming you have seen the objectives for OVERLOAD?”
“Yes, and it seems sound. The convertor would greatly enhance our production capabilities.”
“Did you also happen to see what else was enroute? Specifically these.” Opening a folder, she withdrew the scouting report for Nordin and handed it over.
Taking the report and reading it quickly, he spotted what his commander also did. “You think this will also boost the chances of command going for that other communications node next door.”
“That’s correct. CHRONOS has been sitting on the planning books for a long time. I’m going to push for another look at it.”
“I take it you want me to refine and update the existing battleplan? It has not been updated with our force additions nor includes the possible spoils from OVERLOAD.”
“Do so. I depart for command in two days. OVERLOAD will launch at that time. I want something to present then.”
“Understood ma’am.” He stood up and saluted. “I’ll have the revisions on your desk this time tomorrow.”
She returned the salute. “Dismissed.”

Day 88, 2200 Local
Strike Group Orestes
System Rim, Lynch System

“Send a message to Home Command: ‘Phase 1 complete. Securing assets and beginning Phase 2. Will report when enroute.’”
“Channel open. Message sent sir.”
“Very well. Contact Termagant. Our new ship needs a name.”

Day 109, 0024 Local
Strike Group Menelaus
System Rim, Nordin System

“Brace for impact!”
Trial by fire indeed he thought as the next salvo ripped into his ship’s hull. “Damage report!”
“That last shot took out the foundry controls. Our production is dead in the water.”
“Sir!” His Comms officer had to yell to be heard over the din of alarms. “Message from Orestes. Pull back to rally point Alpha. Repair and prepare for AI counter attack.”
“Helm, plot me a course back to Lynch. See if you can get some readings on what’s coming.”
“Yes sir.”

Day 120, 0048 Local
Home Fleet Command
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

He raised a hand to cover a yawn. “Alright, I’m here. What’s the flap?”
“Sir. The AI warp grid is spiking, but not in a way we have seen before.” He pointed to his screen showing the status of the grid. “It’s all over instead of focused on a single wormhole.”
He cupped his chin and narrowed his eyes in thought. “Estimates on when things are going to peek?”
“If the rate stays constant, I’d say 9-10 days or so. And then, I don’t know.”
“We can only assume the AI will be attacking enmasse at that time. Send a FLASH dispatch to Orestes. We either need results from OVERLOAD quickly or we need to pull back for now. We are behind schedule as it is already.”
“Yes sir.”
“On another note, have the scouting reports come back on the AI fleet movements?”
“Not yet. Last dispatch showed a moderate group moving toward Brore, but nothing farther.”
“Very well. Keep me informed.”

Day 121, 0136 Local
Strike Group Menelaus
System Rim, Nordin System

“Clean up the stragglers, we need to get defenses up ASAP.”
“Engineers are already working. We have full metal stocks so things will go up quickly.”
“Good. Orestes and Termagant are already heading back to the rear. This is our bailiwick now.”

Day 124, 0536 Local
Citadel Aegis
Low Orbit, Mote System

“That’s affirmative command. The AI is advancing in force. We will slow them down, but we will need some help here.”
“Hold the line Aegis. The fleet is moving to cut them off. You are the anvil, they are the hammer.”

1312 Local

Another explosion was heard through the hull. “Damnit. The AI just keeps coming. Where the hell are the reinforcements?”
“Sir, FLASH traffic from Orestes. They have cut off the AI’s retreat in Vap and are advancing this way. They say hold for just a little longer.”
“Just in the nick of time…”

Day 130, 0048 Local
Strike Group Orestes
Low Orbit, Mote System

“Confirmed. That’s the last of them.”
“Run one more sensor sweep. Let’s make sure all the stragglers are gone.”
He waited while the crewman pulled in the data. “Scope is clear sir. All I have are friendlies on scan.”
“Comms. Open a channel to home command. Let them know things are clear and we are moving out.”
“Yes sir.”
“Hold on.” The sensor operator waved his hand to get his commander’s attention. “Got a new blip on scope.”
“Can you identify?”
“Seems to be a small group of AI. Nothing else on scre…wait, there’s another. And another.”
“Where are they coming from Sensors?”
“I don’t know sir, they just keep showing up on my screens. This is unlike any attack that we have seen so far.”
“Send your readings to my display.” He waited a minute for the screen to update, then he had to control his emotions. The AI were everywhere, and continuing to appear at the ranges of the planetary sensors.”
“Comms, have you sent that message yet?”
“No sir.”
“Revise it: ‘Massive AI attack underway across multiple systems. Moving to intercept.”

To be continued...

Side note: Sorry for the cliffhanger. Writing all this takes a while
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Offline Pireciter

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2020, 10:14:51 pm »
Day 131, 0800 Local
Hopcroft Command
Low Orbit, Hopcroft System

“Get some fire onto those frigates Tactical. With the minefields down, only the tractor fields are holding the swarm.”
“Sir, more AI ships are coming through Ousterhout.”
“Tell me when you have some good news Sensors. Comms, get Command on the horn. We are going to need some reinforcements if we don’t want to lose this power generator.”

0824 Local

Orestes and Aegis are enroute. The rest of the fleet is bogged down elsewhere. The AI is hitting us hard all over.”
“They better get here fast Command. The extra ships we had have all been wrecked and several system turrets are down.”
“Hold the line. We can’t lose that generator.”

Day 132, 0400 Local
Strike Group Orestes
Hopcroft Wormhole, Mote System

“Jumping in three….two…one…zero!” The star field gave way to the almost tunnel-like look of the wormhole. Just as quickly as the bridge crew was getting used to the new view, the stars snapped back into focus. What stars could be seen…as they had emerged onto a battlefield.
“Tactical, get our units out there. Sensors give me a full system sweep.”
“Working on it...sir, the shields are being pressed hard, but the station is still intact.”
“The generator?”
“Good, let’s show the AI out.”

Day 133, 0400 Local
Home Fleet Command
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

“Roger that Hopcroft. How are repairs progressing?”
“Smoothly so far, we should be back online within a day or two. Those Zenith ships are taking the longest.”
“Very well. Keep me informed. Command out.”
As the holo-transmission flickered off, he rubbed his temples again to try and soothe his renewed headache. The AI hit them hard this time. More so than anything they had seen before. Multiple systems had been hit hard, and if the AI had pushed a little more things could have turned out a lot different.
Signaling the computer with an arm motion, he summoned a galaxy view where his subordinate just was. It appeared that with a few exceptions, the attacks had petered out. Cupping his chin, he reflected on the new ships they had picked up as well as the matter convertor. He needed to issue orders for the fleet reorganization today. They had their resource production and supplies secured, but now they were lacking in firepower. Most of the rim systems were heavily fortified and whittling them down would take a long time. He pondered again about CHRONOS…maybe it was finally time to execute. It would fall quick, but did they have enough to make it worth it. This war was still far from over.

Fleet Status:
Strike Group Orestes –
52x Velociraptor Mk.I
156x Dagger Mk.III
208x Turbo Stingray Mk.I
42x Sniper Mk.I
42x Spider Mk.I
5x Raid Frigate Mk.III

Strike Group Termagant -
101x Space Plane Mk.III
48x Inhibiting Tesla Corvette Mk.II
13x Zapper Mk.II

Striker Group Menelaus –
42x Harasser Mk.II
45x Grenade Launcher Corvette Mk.II
24x Vanguard Mk.I
1x Devastator Frigate Mk.I

Strike Group Bellerophon –
8x Vanguard Mk.I
2x Tritium Sniper Frigate Mk.I
2x Assault Frigate Mk.I

Tech Updates:
Engineering II

Strategic Theatres – Choose 1
A: Operation SWITCHBACK – Another Zenith Power Generator has been spotted. Scouting intel says it may be the wrong direction from the AI homeworld, but it could still be worth it. Circled in GREEN
B: Operation REDEEMER – The Dyson sphere has been spotted. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Get the science from there and liberate it. Circled in YELLOW.
C: Operation ENDURING SHIELD – Containment and upgrades are the focus here. 2 Data Centers are out there, multiple distribution nodes, and a lot of research stations. No new planets, but a round of improvements. DCs circled in RED

Side note: I know...only 3 minutes game time this update. Real Life > Games these past couple of weeks.'s the "fluff" been? Anything you all would like to see more/less of?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2020, 10:16:48 pm by Pireciter »
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Offline Cyborg

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2020, 09:50:37 pm »
I'm following along, but I'm more interested in the technical explanations. Not that I don't enjoy creative writing because I do.
Kahuna strategy guide:,13369.0.html

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Planetcracker. Believe it.

The stigma of hunger.

Offline Pireciter

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2020, 11:14:24 pm »
Well, I'm playing this round a little "loose" to drum up some story opportunities. It gets kind of boring if all I have to write about are Raid Frigate runs.

For example, I deliberately left Hopcroft open during the CPA to entice the AI to attack there. A better whipping boy would have been Lynch since it doesn't have a ZPG on it.

Maybe I'll do a more technical AAR the next round.

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2020, 12:03:29 pm »
I get it. You would like to create some emergent theater.
Kahuna strategy guide:,13369.0.html

Suggestions, bugs? Don't be lazy, give back:

Planetcracker. Believe it.

The stigma of hunger.

Offline Pireciter

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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2020, 10:22:25 pm »
Oh hi.

Yep, I'm still here. Little thing called the holiday season.

Sorry on the delayed update. I'll have the next part up this weekend.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to reality...where it is never an ideal case.

Offline Pireciter

  • Jr. Member Mark II
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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2021, 10:53:47 am »
--Multiple Operations Selected: REDEEMER & ENDURING SHIELD—

Day 134, 0224 Local
Cresida Command
Low Orbit, Cresida System

“Acknowledged Command. We will get construction started.” He closed the communications link and turned to his staff. “Home Fleet has contacted the Zenith again. It seems they have a mass driver available. We are to approach the trader in system and acquire those plans. A good boost for the defense of this data center.”

Day 143, 2336 Local
Hopcroft Command
Low Orbit, Hopcroft system

“Steady boys, here they come.”
“Where’s the cavalry when you need it…”
“Cut the chatter! If you have time to talk, you have time to control your defenses. Get to it!”
“Yes sir.”
“Comms, alert Aegis. The AI is in position. They are the hammer, we are the anvil.” 

Day 150, 1512 Local
Citadel Aegis
High Orbit, Lynch System

“Damn, the AI is hitting us hard.”
“I noticed. Tactical, get some more fire on those frigates. We need to knock them out.”
“Incoming message from Lynch sir. Their shields are failing and they are requesting assistance.”
He grimaced. The rest of the fleet is elsewhere and can’t get here in time. There isn’t anyone else. The fortunes of war indeed… “Let them know help is on the way. Then get a FLASH message to Home Fleet. Request an emergency recall of the battlegroup.”

2336 Local
Lynch Command
Low Orbit, Lynch System

“Dammit Aegis, where is the rest of the fleet!”
“On the way Lynch. Just hold for a little longer.”
Aegis, our shields are toast. The turrets are falling fast and we can’t maintain them under this barrage.” Another tremor rocked the station as he made his report. “We need more support out here!”
“Hold the line Lynch, just hold t…” A massive blow knocked the officer off his feet and the transmission dissolved into static. “Damage report!”
“Sir, that last shot disabled the shields. More reports are coming in.”
“Incoming!” He didn’t know who called it, but he turned toward the viewport. He never got the chance to finish the turn, as a wall of glass and shrapnel blew into the command center. His last conscious vision was of nothing but fire.

Day 152, 0200 Local
Strike Group Termagant
High Orbit, Lynch System

“We were too late.”
“Dammit. Is there anything left?”
“Scans are showing nothing but debris. Aegis said the AI really did a number on the system.”
“Very well. Get the drones out there and start salvaging what we can.”

Day 156, 1336 Local
Strike Group Orestes
High Orbit, Hebron System

“Instigator down sir. Recalling the drones.”
“Comms, let Menelaus know the objective is down and to cover our retreat out.”
“Yes sir.”

Day 169, 1736 Local
Home Fleet Command
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

“Is that what I think it is?”
“Yes sir. Latest scouting reports have been confirmed. It’s the Superterminal.”
“Do you think we could make use of it now?”
“See if you follow my thinking. We only get one shot at it before the AI locks us out. We can go now, or wait and possibly get a bigger bang for our efforts.”
“I follow you. Given our latest intel, the AI seems unaware of how big of a threat we are. We are being a nuisance, but haven’t really gotten its attention yet.
“So we wait. Draw up the plans and have them available. In the meantime, time to ‘help’ our new Dyson friends. Signal the fleet to start the countdown.”

Day 212, 1136 Local
Strike Group Orestes
Low Orbit, Alterra System

“Recall the hacking teams. Set the scuttling charges and evacuate the station.”
“We are leaving sir?”
“You saw the reports. As long as we are here, the Dyson consider us a threat. We’ve ‘helped” them enough for now. It’s time to let them be…and attack the AI a bit.”
“Won’t the AI try to reclaim the system after we are gone?”
“The Dyson will fight them for it. We will leave a few turrets behind to assist, but beyond that they can have their fun.”

Fleet Status:
Strike Group Orestes –
52x Velociraptor Mk.I
208x Dagger Mk.IV
208x Turbo Stingray Mk.I
42x Sniper Mk.I
42x Spider Mk.I
6x Raid Frigate Mk.IV

Strike Group Termagant -
267x Space Plane Mk.IV
58x Inhibiting Tesla Corvette Mk.III
16x Zapper Mk.III

Striker Group Menelaus –
51x Harasser Mk.III
54x Grenade Launcher Corvette Mk.III
24x Vanguard Mk.I
1x Devastator Frigate Mk.I

Strike Group Bellerophon –
8x Vanguard Mk.I
2x Tritium Sniper Frigate Mk.I
2x Assault Frigate Mk.I

Tech Updates:
Engineering III
Raid III
Splash II

Strategic Theatres – Choose 1
A: Operation SWITCHBACK – Another Zenith Power Generator has been spotted. Scouting intel says it is the wrong direction from the AI homeworld, but it could still be worth it. Circled in GREEN
B: Operation VELVET HAMMER – The Superterminal. It’s a bear of a target. We need to improve our forces before going for it. A major part being additional defensive turrets. Capture additional battlestations and citadels. Options circled in YELLOW
C: Operation SHOWDOWN – Strike the Superterminal now. Hinder the AI with a single massive hack. Circled in RED

Welcome to reality...where it is never an ideal case.

Offline Pireciter

  • Jr. Member Mark II
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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2021, 09:46:54 pm »
--Multiple Operations Selected: SWITCHBACK & VELVET HAMMER—

Day 216, 0248 Local
Strike Group Orestes
High Orbit, Ahn System

“Alright folks, you heard the man. The hacking crews want those grenadiers.”
“Incoming!” The ship rocked with the incoming fire. “More AI on scope sir!”
“Figured. They have been fortifying this system for a while. Get some fire on those tractor units. They are spreading us out too much.”
“Sir, message from Termagant. They have deployed and are moving to intercept.”
“Copy that. Coordinate our fire with Termagant. Let’s get this done.”

Day 218, 1824 Local

“That’s the last of them sir.”
“Signal Menelaus. They have point for the hack. Helm, move us to the Dourish wormhole. We are out of here once the hack is done.”

Day 221, 1936 Local
Strike Group Menelaus
High Orbit, Dourish System

“Phase 1 is complete sir. We have repaired the citadel.”
“Excellent. Let Orestes know they are clear for Phase 2. Aalst is theirs, we will keep things clear on the home front.”

Day 234, 1112 Local
Strike Group Orestes
High Orbit, Aalst System

He shook his head in amazement. It seemed the brass never changed. They spend all their effort on what is called a “high-priority”, then they go and deploy it wastefully. “Sir, command reports both the Aegis and Phalanx have been disabled and are heading to the rear for repairs.”
“Very well, what’s our status here?”
“Crews are working on the station construction now. Once that is complete, they will move to repair the battlestation.”

Day 238, 1600 Local

“That was a close one. The AI clearly isn’t happy.”
“No ****. Dourish is down and we almost lost it here. Get the repair crews out there. Rumor has it command wants that new power generator next door.”

Day 250, 0112 Local
Home Fleet Command
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

Not a moment too soon…”Sir the warp grid is spiking! It’s looks similar to the massive attack we had 4 months ago.”
“Another one? I guess I’m not surprised, given our recent windfall. Is Dourish back online?”
“Yes sir, and it’s a real tempting target for the AI. All our crews have been pulled out, it’s in automatic mode now.”
“Perfect. If we can’t stop the flood, we can at least direct it. At least we are ready for it this time.”

Day 271, 1512 Local

“Excellent. That makes 3 of these power generators under our control.”
“Sir, take a look at this.” He turned the monitor so he could see, “The latest scout reports.”
He let a hint of a smile appear on his face, “Another one, and what is that thing?”
“Unknown sir. They describe it as looking similar to an old Terran hornet or wasp nest, but it’s massive. Even larger than our battlestations.”
“Hmm…have the scouts get some more information. I’m recalling the battlegroups now from the eastern flank. They will be in position to either go for the superterminal, the 3rd citadel, or…that.”

Day 280, 1612 Local
Strike Group Orestes
High Orbit, Hudak System

“They call it a Hive.”
“A Hive? An apt description. Damn thing even looks like one. Has command given us the go?”
“Not yet. Latest intel shows the AI is still in a holding pattern, but command has not said anything beyond that.”
“We have Aegis, Phalanx, and Bastion all moving toward the superterminal. Command has parked us here, and they still haven’t given us a green light to grab the last citadel. We can’t sit around forever.” A bell rang in the command center, signaling FLASH traffic was incoming. He nodded once, “Good. Someone finally got a boot in the rear.”
His aide brought him the printout. He took it with a quick nod and skimmed the contents. He suddenly stopped and started reading it again from the top. “So…that’s why command has been so quiet.” He softly chuckled and passed the brief to his XO. “Take a look at this.”
“They finally found it have they? About time.”
“Pardon me sir, if I may ask, command found what?” his aide inquired.
“The AI homeworld. Their command and control system.” His aide turned three shades paler at that pronouncement. “But that’s not our target this time. Signal the group, we are moving out.”

Fleet Status:
Strike Group Orestes –
52x Velociraptor Mk.I
208x Dagger Mk.IV
208x Turbo Stingray Mk.I
42x Sniper Mk.I
42x Spider Mk.I
6x Raid Frigate Mk.IV

Strike Group Termagant -
267x Space Plane Mk.IV
58x Inhibiting Tesla Corvette Mk.III
16x Zapper Mk.III

Striker Group Menelaus –
51x Harasser Mk.III
54x Grenade Launcher Corvette Mk.III
24x Vanguard Mk.I
94x Raider Mk.IV
1x Devastator Frigate Mk.I

Strike Group Bellerophon –
8x Vanguard Mk.I
149x Grenade Launcher Corvette Mk.III
2x Tritium Sniper Frigate Mk.I
2x Assault Frigate Mk.I

Strike Group Aeneas –
46x Porcupine Mk.I
51x Kite Mk.I
55x MLRS Corvette Mk.III
34x Concussion Corvette Mk.I    

Strategic Theatres:
A: Operation SHOWDOWN – Strike the Super Terminal now. Hinder the AI with a single massive hack. Circled in GREEN
B: Operation SWARM LOGIC– Capture and repair the Hive. As a side bonus, another ZPG is on site. Circled in YELLOW
C: Operation SPOTLIGHT(CHRONOS revised) – The frigate communications node. However, unlike CHRONOS, we have included provisions to hack the command augmenter on site. We need to get more defenses on our backwater planets to slow the AI down. Circled in RED

Welcome to reality...where it is never an ideal case.

Offline Pireciter

  • Jr. Member Mark II
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Re: Command Theater
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2021, 12:03:28 am »
--Multiple Operations Selected: SHOWDOWN/SWARM LOGIC/SPOTLIGHT—

Day 280, 1648 Local
Strike Group Orestes
Hudak Wormhole, Mores System

“All units, engage the AI! If they are going to be so kind to leave out these toys, it would be a shame for us to ignore them. Comms, coordinate our fire with the fleet on that guardian. It’s going to tear through our units quickly if we don’t take it out fast.”

Day 282, 1224 Local

“Status update Orestes.”
“Things are moving forward sir. We continue to pacify the system and should be able to begin station construction tomorrow.”
“Good, because we have another problem on the home front. The AI isn’t taking kindly to your attack and is pouncing on our rear areas. Dourish is under heavy fire and the warp grid indicates additional AI forces are enroute. Our forces are holding for now, but they have sent out a call for reinforcements. I need to you detach some units to send back this way.”
“Roger that. I’ll pull out Aeneas and have them make haste.”
“Very well, wrap things up quickly. I want to start preparations soon for SHOWDOWN.”

Day 282, 0200 Local

“Scope is clear sir. No more AI are in system.”
“Excellent. Get the build crews out there. I want this system up and running yesterday. Also, get some units over to inspect our prizes. Any updates from command?”
“The AI continues to press us hard. Defenses are bending, but nothing broken.”
“Detach Termagant and Menelaus to reinforce Aeneas. They can take point for SPOTLIGHT once the AI is clear. We have work to do here.”

Day 285, 2400 Local
Battlestation Aegis
Low Orbit, Lyonesse System

“Alright folks, I want this system locked up so tight I can walk from one end of the gravity well to the other without needing a vacuum suit.” He called up the hacking team’s report on his monitor again to review the situation. Once things started, it would get awful exciting quickly. They needed to be ready.

Day 292, 0248 Local
Strike Group Termagant
High Orbit, Brore System

Better late than never…“Well done. Those plan revisions you made up were flawless, even if it’s later than we anticipated.” “Yes ma’am, though I wondered if we would ever use them.” She nodded once, “Indeed. We must always remember though that we are in this for the species. We can’t let our personal desires get in the way of that goal.” She turned her attention back to the bridge crew, “Comms, message to command: Operation SPOTLIGHT successful. Moving to the front for the next phase of SHOWDOWN.”

Day 313, 0712 Local
Battlestation Aegis
High Orbit, Lyonesse System

“All units, check in.” He waited while the Comm’s officer made the calls. After a couple of minutes, he turned to face him with a hint of a grin on his face,“Sir, all units report in-system and ready.”
“This is it then. Inform Divine Wind they are going to take point on the hack. With their enhanced hull and shield strength, they can take a heavy beating from the AI if it comes from that. We go on their signal.”

Golem Divine Wind

“Alright folks. You heard the man. Have the drones ready for immediate deployment, the AI isn’t going to pull any punches on this one. Let’s put this ship to the test. Hacking teams, you are go for ingress.”

Day 315, 1512 Local
Battlestation Aegis

“Latest report from Divine Wind.” he said as he handed over the printout. He scanned it quickly and nodded, “Good. The AI is restless, but the line is holding. Our duty rotations are keeping all stations manned and still allowing us to continue our efforts. I’m beginning to worry about the AI’s response though. They are getting more lively…that warp grid is spiking pretty high.”
“I agree sir. We’ve seen larger AI responses in the past. I think this is only the beginning.” He nodded in reply, “Perhaps. We’ve been at this for two days now. I would…” He cut off as the ready room buzzer went off, “Sir, incoming FLASH traffic from command.” The Comm officer spoke through the room’s intercom. He frowned at that, “There’s that AI we’ve come to know…put that message through Comms.”
A burst of static accompanied the signal then it resolved into a voice, “Aegis, this is Command. The AI is launching a counter attack on the Lynch system. Latest intel has our forces there outnumbered three to one. You are hereby ordered to detach available units to render aid. You are also ordered to terminate SHOWDOWN if necessary to release forces for this task.”
As the message ended, he shook his head, “Terminate SHOWDOWN? It’s too early to throw that towel. Detach Orestes and send them to Lynch. We can make do without their firepower and they also are the fastest ship.”

Day 320, 2112 Local
Golem Divine Wind

“Report!” “Sir, another wave of AI has made the warp transition. Minimal turrets remain in-system. Termagant and Menelaus report their forces are starting to be overwhelmed. Phalanx reports they have been disabled and are attempting to pull out.”
“Alright troops, I’m calling it. Signal the hacking teams to terminate operations. Inform all units of the situation and keep the remaining AI in system. Let’s keep things locked down until we clean this up.”

Day 321, 1800 Local
Home Fleet Command
Low Orbit, Rhodia Prime

“Understood Aegis. Continue repairs and report back when the group is ready to move.”
“Acknowledged Command. Aegis out.”
With a wave of his hand, he summoned the warp grid status back onto the screen. The AI had indeed been neutered significantly with their efforts. They did well and had prepared the road ahead. On that note, he switched his display over to the plans he had been working on. He allowed himself a small smile…just a year ago they were barely surviving. Now, it even looked like they had a chance. They still had a long way to go, he reminded himself, but perhaps…

Fleet Status:
Strike Group Orestes –
52x Velociraptor Mk.I
208x Dagger Mk.IV
208x Turbo Stingray Mk.I
42x Sniper Mk.I
42x Spider Mk.I
7x Raid Frigate Mk.IV

Strike Group Termagant -
267x Space Plane Mk.IV
58x Inhibiting Tesla Corvette Mk.III
16x Zapper Mk.III

Striker Group Menelaus –
51x Harasser Mk.III
54x Grenade Launcher Corvette Mk.III
24x Vanguard Mk.I
94x Raider Mk.IV
2x Devastator Frigate Mk.I

Strike Group Bellerophon –
8x Vanguard Mk.I
149x Grenade Launcher Corvette Mk.III
3x Tritium Sniper Frigate Mk.I
3x Assault Frigate Mk.I

Strike Group Aeneas –
46x Porcupine Mk.I
51x Kite Mk.I
55x MLRS Corvette Mk.III
34x Concussion Corvette Mk.I

Strategic Theatres:
A: Operation HIGHER THOUGHT – The Spire Archive. We’ve spotted it next to the AI Homeworld. Retrieving the knowledge contained within would be a major boon. Circled in GREEN
B: Operation VIGILANT TURMOIL– Containment and preparation. The AI Homeworld has several very powerful core planets. We need to prepare the way by clearing and developing staging grounds for our assault. Circled in YELLOW
C: Operation ENDGAME – The final battle. Destroy the AI command and control systems. Circled in RED

Side note: For those curious, it wasn't my largest ST hack, but still 90AIP reduction. Though most of it is buffer vs. actually dropping AIP.
Welcome to reality...where it is never an ideal case.