Hi guys,
I prefer starting a new post rather than go it to mantis. I'm not sure about what I'll say, so, just checking here first.
During my last game, I noticed something that I could can as weird... I was attacking a system, and I had a group of ships around the gate, securing it. There were no ships at all in the surrounding of the gate, and I thought it was secure.
I jumped to the near system, and I saw there some enemy ships that had jumped from the gate into my area. It wasn't much, but what I do not understand is how they passed the blockade, since I was securing the gate.
How does it come that the AI still send ships to a world of mine even though I'm blockading the only access to my system ?
Or is it something to do with the Wormhole Guard Post (it wasn't killed at that time, but I'm not sure if I got some trials of invasion until the WGP was dead, or the command post itself died).
Is this normal behavior ? What did I missed ?