No worries -- I appreciate all suggestions, just not ones that are really speculative. As in, imagine that you are paying for each one, and the currency is my time. There is only so much, so which features do we spend this currency on? To a large degree that is my job to determine, but it helps if people properly weight their suggestions when they ask for them ("I really want/need this," or "This is a nice-to-have that I would really use, but it's not critical," or "I just thought of this, it might be neat.")
That last category I am far less interested in in general, except as regarding new ship ideas and other content-type ideas for expansions/DLC. Mainly just because I already have so many suggestions in the first two categories, enough to last me through the end of the year at least, and the list just keeps growing. This is in itself not a bad thing, but if the trend continues it means that some stuff just won't ever get done, or won't get done at all within a short time period, so it's important to me to know what sort of priority each idea really has.
Right now I feel a little bit like a guy trying to drink from a fire hydrant with the volume of (mostly very good) suggestions coming in in general.