If you're updating the wiki and correcting grammar, you might want to make the following changes:
Devourer Golem description, second sentence:
Its attack power is so high that it will insta-kill most ships, but it will only attack non-mark-V ships that are both mobile and which have attack power (or are scouts).
Spire Destroyer description, second sentence:
Its primary armament is actually a shorter-range, higher-power version of that on the Spire Frigate, but it also has several hardpoints capable of mounting a variety of weapon modules.
Spire Cruiser, Spire Battleship, Spire Dreadnought, Spire Super Dreadnought descriptions, second sentence in each:
Its primary armament is a short-range, high power photon bombardment cannon designed for engagements with other large craft.
The bolded words have been corrected; the wiki pages use the contraction it's rather than the possessive its. These errors also seem to be present in game, so I'll put it in the bug tracker, too; if you're using a script to create the pages from the game files, then I'd suggest waiting to fix these