Shadow Master/Train Master! That way you can't even see the toy trains coming!
Train Master/Counter Spy, for the illusion of being able to find the toy trains before they arrive.
Speed Racer/Vicious Exotic.
Tech Sledge/Vicious Exotic! No fancy tricks here, just raw brute force.
Warp Jumper/Technologist Raider. Best paired up with a different personality for AI 2.
Reservist/Crafty Spire. Enjoy the stone wall.
Artillerist/Kite Flyer. Admittedly beatable, but heavy micro required every time you attack something.
Shield Ninny/Peacemaker, because planets need to be as annoying as possible to attack even if they aren't threatening.
Cowardly/Teleporter Turtle! Want to clear out loose threat? Nope, sorry, not allowed. This in particular might be a good candidate for Preemption 10/10...
Having two homeworlds, on opposite sides of a symmetrical map. That alone can really mess with your head.