Hi Captain Cake
I was totally new to the game a month ago. I suffered from massive information overload for quite a few days, in spite of me being a veteran rts gamer (Supreme Commander was one of my favorites, but I have been around since Sim Ant, C&C and the first Warcraft games). After a week or so I began to feel that I was really getting into it.
Now, after a month on AI level 6. I still haven't managed to win a single game (excepting the intermediate tutorial, but that was in sandbox mode). I have an ongoing mp game with a friend (AI level 5), and it looks like we are winning this one. Perhaps. What I am trying to say: This game is very difficult. I am not an expert, but I consider myself quite good, and I can't even beat the game on level 6. Yet!!!
This morning I gave the expansion a try. It looks great, but now I am glad that I have played the basic game for so long before trying the expansion. Not that I suffer from information overload anywhere like when I was new to the basic game, but the expansion is HUGE with more than a hundred new ships that kill you in a lot of unexpected ways.
So my advice is: Play the basic game for some time, don't try to learn both the basic mechanics and the expansion features in one go, unless you are a genius or a masochist, or both.
And perhaps it would be a good idea to update to the latest official version, and then stay there for a few days. Arcen has a policy of updating their programs sometimes twice per day, and it is not bug fixes all of it. Major mechanics get changed all the time, which can be very confusing for new players. I am now going along with the beta updates, and this means I must delearn some of my now old ways and learn new ways, just to get another beating. Which is a bit annoying, but so far almost all changes have been to the better. If it continues like this I am sure it will be one of the greatest rts games ever.
Edit @ demangler: You may be right, things are introduced gradually, so if you are quickwitted you probably won't suffer tooo much from info overload. I was just explaining what worked for me. (Forget what I said about geniuses and masochists).
Edit @ Captain Cake: By all means turn off marauders and freedom fighters, they are just an additional way to get killed if you are not paying close attention. Then when you feel confident, turn them back on and face a new challenge. And go with Mintys suggestion and set AI level progress to 1/30 or even 1/60. But beware, this might mean a very, very long game (I managed to get 40+ hours into a game on 1/60 before I gave up.
Edit @ everybody: Don't take my whinings about getting killed all the time too serious, it is actually what makes me start a new game again and again. The day I can beat the AI on level 10 anytime I try, the game dies for me. But this will probably never happen. The other thing that normally makes me loose interest in a game is when I have tried out absolutely everything. According to X there will be provided new content for at least a couple of years, so chances are that this also will never happen.
Edit @ x4000: If this was a pvp game, I believe that it would have the potential to be a great tournament game. I love the way there are always counters to enemy moves if you can find them, and counters to meet these counters etc. Not that I want AI War to be pvp, the reason why we bought it in the first place was that it advertised coop play, and that is what my friend and I go for.