See, that's exactly the situation I don't want to be over-easy. Calling in reinforcements from a star system half a galaxy away isn't meant to be quite that simple.
I'm not trying to fight for this or anything, but I'm not too sure where you're coming from. Is it a concern over accidentally moving the wrong group or is this an intended UI restriction to make the game more difficult?
And for the record, we were calling in reinforcements from right next door.
I gotcha. Well, for one thing the game was designed around the idea of separate battlefields, and the lines have started to blur with that since release, but at the same time it is still a core assumption in the engine that causes certain limitations. Limitations that, overall, I like -- I designed it that way from the start for a reason -- because it really makes the planets feel more separate.
See, for the first three or four months of the development of this game, there were no wormholes at all. Players and AI warped their ships between planets, and depending on how distant the planets were from one another was how long it would take to get to the other side. Warping all the way across the galaxy could take around 5 minutes, during which the warping ships were completely unavailable to you
Anyway, that was problematic for a lot of reasons as you might imagine, so wormholes were added. But the basic idea was that planets are separate and isolated to a certain degree, and that each one should be planned out and defended as well as possible individually. That there should be some cost, albeit a less severe one, to reinforcing from even adjacent planets. That's similar to, for instance, Star Wars: Empire At War, which had a similar mechanic in their turn-based galaxies.
So that's where I'm coming from with this, if that helps. It was originally a conscious design decision, which has since turned into something of a design limitation, which is okay because I still believe in the original design decision. Another example from other games that I like to think of is getting reinforcements from your home city in AoEIII, or calling in reinforcements in the original Red Alert game. In both cases, you would have to wait a bit for them to arrive, and you would also not be able to control too well where they arrived (in Red Alert, they would come to a predefined reinforcement point on the map, if I recall, and in AoEIII they always come to one of your town centers or forts).
In all of the above cases, it adds to the strategy to a minor degree by causing there to be a bit more of a cost (in terms of time and thus also potential casualties) for poor planning or unexpected enemy shifts. Hopefully that makes sense, anyway.
41 planets down, we've only found two advanced factories. They're probably all on the other side of the galaxy. We just like to go in full force, since it takes 2-3 real hours to take out any given planet (3500+ enemy ships), with constant reinforcements. I just wish we could find more data centers. This 1000 AI Progress is killing us, and we've only found one. Since we had to take the system down with missiles, it wasn't too useful (missiles allow us to eliminate enough ships to play at a tolerable speed).
Wow, that is just super, super unlucky. There should be at least 2 advanced factories per human player. And there should be usually 10-20 data centers or so. If you hover over the mission summary on the right of your screen, it will tell you how many of each are still remaining, if that helps.
That 1000 AI Progress is super high, I have not actually heard of a game with more than 800 before, or played with that myself. The game has logic in there for all the way up to around 1800 AI Progress, but I've never gotten near there at all. You might try using transports, or some other mechanism, to do some planet-hopping. Trying to be a completionist in AI War, trying to take all the planets, is generally a recipe for a loss; the AI Progress gets too high and kills you or stalemates you by design, which forces you to make tougher decision on actually what planets to take, etc. It sounds like you have a salvageable situation, but a difficult one. :/