Hi everybody,
I'm new to the game and absolutely love it. I've played a few games now (lost all of them though) and had a few general questions.
1. Multiple space docks and loop building
So far I have been using a single space dock, usually on my home planet and just loop building everything. Sometimes it would be nice once expanded to build closer to the front. At this point I end up having to turn loop building off on one of the docks and switch it back and forth to have more control over where ships are being produced. Do most people do it this way, or is manual building preferred in these type cases?
2. Could somebody explain how the reprisal waves work?
I haven't been able to find much on this, it seems like reprisal waves are somewhat based on how many ships you lose in an AI controlled planet (or with AI posts on a neutral planet).
3. Mixed ship mark values
To split my forces up I usually select the entire fleet and use L or something to half the group; this results in a group with mixed mark values. Is there ever any advantage in only attacking with higher level ships and leaving the lower levels out?
4. Unit garrisons
This sort of goes with question 1. In the controls there is an option to maintain a unit garrison. Are these rarely used? Could somebody provide some advice on generally, say at a point where you have 10 planets, how the fleets are mixed? Do people normally split up the fleet between hot spots, or keep them in one place and move when a wave is incoming, or what method?
Thanks for any responses, and thanks Arcen for making a great game.