I went back to clarify what was wrong with blade spawners, and this was the conversation:
2:04:05 PM Draco Cretel:
they are a pain in high numbers that the AI can get
2:04:08 PM Draco Cretel:
2:04:15 PM Draco Cretel:
the AI gets a hug ton too many ships as is!
2:04:30 PM Draco Cretel:
the numbers in waves is over the top and insane!
2:06:24 PM me:
I think you and I just play a game that is too-high in AIP
2:06:41 PM Draco Cretel:
which is dumb...
Essentially on lower difficulties, say the "normal" 7, the benefits the AI gets for even a
moderate AIP level of, say, 250 is
far and away above what the player can handle.
The AI hasn't even gotten Mark 3 units yet, and already the player can't handle the sheer strength the AI is bringing to bear. In the "good old days" your average game of difficulty 7 could result in upwards of
700 AIP before the game became unwinnable. And I'm comparing pure AI: golems with no exowaves, spirecraft with no exowaves, no Fallen Spire Plot. JUST wave size and free threat. Used to be that Mark 3 was "survivable, but risky" and the game is now at "mark 2 is downright unacceptable."
I realize that a number of things has been done to try and hit players harder when certain cheap tactics are used (i.e. single ingress) but that's even being ignored here. I'm comparing a 700 AIP game where there was one choke point to a 250 AIP game with
I think in our rush to make the top-end more difficult, we've pushed the "middle 7" down to a "middle 6." At the same time I have a wealth of resources I can't spend and often dribble across the 999,999 cap, and I've been told to "raise the difficulty level" in order to alleviate that problem. Sorry, but the game's already in a winnable state, I don't see how moving up in difficulty is going to make that any better.