I am not sure what to really say, as I didn't really encounter anything wrong with the game recently? Nothing major, at least.
That's perfectly valid feedback, and it's helpful to have an idea of how close we are to "it's fine". Certainly to my knowledge nothing is awful terrible broken, just some rough spots here and there. Basically what I want to do here is polish the roughest spots, then look again, polish the roughest remaining spots, rinse, repeat.
I think the game even as it is today is a demonstrably superior version to 5.0, such that the only thing that really
needs to be changed for an official is a tutorial update, but I'd like this to be as good as I can get it.
I'm not actually sure how I stand on heroship module balance though, as some of them seem really good, and some of them terrible
Most of them I've heard someone say that they really liked and got a lot of use out of. But some are probably under par, and the hero in general might could stand a 10%-20% nerf (doing the same for all the stuff in the nebula; just thinking in relation to "realspace" ships)
(flak cannon, doom accelerator, parasite guns?? really?)
The DA is actually an excellent tool for facilitating communications with large stuff. And there's enough players out there who can never get enough reclamation damage
The flak... yea, probably a bit underwhelming.
On the shields/heavy thing, most of the time I'm testing a nebula I find packing as many heavy guns as I can
really helps. They have so much more firepower (particularly against starbases) than the light mounts.
I have logging turned on, which line actually is the multiple ingress calculation so I can see the actual numbers?
In MainThreadWaveComputationLog.txt look for a line like "Next-wave-time-calc: because Diff >= 7 and entry_points = 10, entry-point-modified range of mulitiplier for modifier is -2:4, so: -420:840".
On the "forked waves" idea... yea, that would actually be pretty simple to do. Each individual wave would be announced separately, but I could make them all total the same size as they would have been if concentrated. My concerns about this actually being a good idea:
1) Will this actually help make multi-front more of a viable choice? (probably yes)
2) Will this feel sufficiently different from CPAs? (probably yes, in that they're synchronized, more frequent, and generally much smaller)
3) Does it make any kind of sense that the AI would intentionally divide its forces every single time? (not really)
-- Or it could randomly fork less or not at all, but then you have a situation where a random roll choosing not to fork could cause a difficulty spike. You would have some time to readjust due to the announcement, but I'm thinking that wouldn't be a good thing.
The other idea of having split turret caps wouldn't really be workable (too complex, for me and for you). We could have different special turret types that have per-planet caps, but we don't have time for much of that (if any), nor do I think it would necessarily be a great solution.
It does sound a lot like the "fire control" idea from a few months ago, or rather one form of it: have a 1-per-planet structure you can build that gives all turrets like a 500% attack boost, but doesn't work
at all if there are more than, say, 64 turrets (adjusted for caps) on the planet. Or 128, or whatever.
That I think would work, and it would just be an optional tool you could choose to use or not. We wouldn't have a lot of time to polish it before 6.0, though, so I'd only want to do it now if this is a problem a lot of y'all are concerned about and this solution has similarly broad appeal.