How are people feeling about the balance of the turrets right now? Both the Mk. I versions and the knowledge costs of the higher marks?
Keep in mind, not only things like range, dps, and health are important, both individually and cap wise, but also metal, crystal, and energy costs (which are very important in the early game, where often times you need turrets the most), and caps.
My thoughts?
The knowledge costs for the higher marks just seem weird and all over the place. I don't see that much rhyme or reason to it. I get that some turrets have more strategic value than others (which is why things like missile turrets Mk. II have a higher knowledge cost than Mk. II basic turrets), but a lot of times not even that seems to line up.
The flak turret seems underpowered. It dies way too easily thanks to its range. What's that you say? The flak turret has one of if not the top cap HP of the turrets? True. And yet, not even that huge amount of extra health is enough to offset the severe "curse" of its low range. I might accept a "glass cannon" type thing if it did good damage, but it doesn't really. Even against a close-combat or swarmer ship (its intended role to counter, and what they have bonuses against), it barely scratches the paint of these. I know that they are intended against groups of units thanks to splash, but this is almost nullified by their small splash radius and there low number of targets they can hit per explosion. Granted, in those few cases where it does manage to hit a lot of stuff, flak turrets lay on the pain. However, these severe restrictions to their splash effect make this too rare to be worth their current single target DPS.
So can they either get enough cap HP to offset their low range or enough DPS to offset this effectively low cap HP? Or a little bit of both?
I wouldn't be opposed to a
slight range buff, but I do like their place as the "short ranged" turret. It gives them character.
Finally, why do all the turrets have a .1 or whatever multiplier to command-grade? Is this even nessecary anymore? It just feels cheap when the AI sends hunter killers at ya.
I guess a better question is, why do hunter/killers (and astro-trains for that matter) have command grade hull type? Shouldn't something like, IDK, "heroric" hull type, which no turret (and no ship for that matter) gets a bonus or a penalty to? (This would also help spire rams and mini-rams, though in those cases, they may need a .5 or something to "heroric").