Sure thing, Vinraith.
The AI doesn't necessarily always preferentially reinforce the AI homeworld and mark IV works around them (the "core" worlds), but it definitely does have a chance of doing that. In your case, sounds like that is what they are doing. Bear in mind that the AI uses a unified ship cap when deciding how to reinforce or do ship overflows on a planet, so if there were (say) 1000 permamines, that could do it.
The ship cap is also per-AI if I recall, so if the cap is at 2,000 for one of the two AI players (the one that keeps reinforcing there, say), then that could be causing border aggression from it while the other AI only has something like 1,000 ships there and isn't doing border aggression. Since there are two AIs with their own individual ship caps, that sort of thing is likely to be able to happen, though I'm speaking from memory here.
In all honesty, there are enough complex interworking parts to the AI that, like any good emergent system, it's not always 100% clear why it does any given thing. In a lot of respects that's by design, because it would be pretty boring in general (especially for me) if it was an AI that I always knew exactly why it did whatever. In the case of some of the more subtle and recent rules, like border aggression, I don't recall if that's split by AI player on the ship caps or not (I know that the ship caps themselves definitely are, which is why a 3,000-populated planet could be considered "full" for one AI player, though).
Hope that helps! If it's still seeming wonky, and there aren't a bunch of mines or something, or all ships of one color coming off there, then do let me know.