There was some discussion in the 5.031 thread about the average number of resources in a galaxy. I decided to generate a bunch of galaxy and did some statistics about the resources. None of my data includes the 3 homeworlds. Also, these galaxies were generated with no minor factions enabled (didn't look like it changes anything though) and all 3 expansions enabled. I generated 10 galaxies for each number of planets using the grid map type, expect for 25 & 15 planets which used the snake type. Turns out that Grid was a bad choice because of how it is generated, it causes a lot of the different number of planets to spawn the same number of planets (ie, 80 and 70 both generate 80 planets). So, this is currently missing several number of planets(from here on out refereed to as P#).
I tested 120, 100, 80, 60, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10 P# but the actual number of planets in each P# was: 121, 100, 81, 64, 49, 36, 25, 20, 16 and 10. At the higher P#, the resource statistics are close together between each trial but as the P# decreases things start to break down and the difference between each trial is larger. The statistics for each P# as a whole all tended to be close together though, yay math. Now onto the actual numbers.
---120(121) P#---
Average: 4.104237288
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 1.99238985
---100 P#---
Average: 3.958762887
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.012948414
---80(81) P#---
Average: 4.087179487
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.078705468
---60(64) P#---
Average: 3.949180328
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.04683447
---40(49) P#---
Average: 4.136956522
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.029398174
---30(36) P#---
Average: 3.975757576
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.033014786
---25 P#---
Average: 3.922727273
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.073629121
---20 P#---
Average: 3.964705882
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.092234494
---15(16) P#---
Average: 4.238461538
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.145136363
---10 P#---
Average: 4.071428571
Median: 4
Mode: 4
Min: 0
Max: 8
St. Dev: 2.080422397
As you may have noticed, the median, mode, min and max were the same for each P#. The averages all differed but were very close and between all trials I got an average of 4.040939735 resources per planet.
All ten trials in for P# 120, 100 and 80 had a min of 0 and a max of 8. At 60 and below P#, there were several trials who had different mins and maxs. 27 out of 100 trials had a min above 0 while 23 out of 100 had a max below 8.
So it looks like 4 resources per planet is the average for a galaxy of any size.
If anyone wants some other statistics with this data, let me know and I'll try to get it.