I have a save with an insane level 1 reprisal wave. I was only trying to use grav drains to protect golems from blades.
Ok, thanks
I ran it and the reprisal was a grand total of 17,790 strength.
The next normal wave set announced was 2 waves from the same player (if there are multiple human HWs/players it sends two waves totalling the strength of the wave it was going to send) totalling 6,795 strength.
Reprisal alert level 1 is displayed when the reprisal wave's strength would be 2x a normal wave's (13,590 in this case), and Reprisal alert level 2 is announced when the reprisal wave's strength would be 4x a normal wave's (27,180 in this case), so the observed overall strength is within expected bounds.
Potentially I could have reprisal level 1 start at 1x normal wave strength, but that doesn't seem wise as it pretty much guarantees that it would not be a significant defensive event for the player: if you can't handle the normal wave sizes you're probably already losing, and if you can the reprisal isn't going to be much of a problem unless its timing is coincidentally unpleasant.
Possibly something like 1.5x normal wave strength would help, dunno.
And possibly it needs to stop splitting its waves in the multi-HW case, as that probably makes them feel pretty weak, relative to other stuff.