With the new salvage mechanic there's been a lot of talk about flying distribution nodes. But the truth is, the poor humble original distribution node is sadly underutilised. Unless I'm playing a serious fallen spire or other massively high AIP game, I just can't justify the +1 AIP for popping it. Not for only 600,000 metal, which is all of three Mk I starships.
I'd be interested to know if anyone else is feeling the same, and what kind of proposals you can come up with for a rebalance. Personally, I'm thinking something like this:
- No AIP on death
- Up the metal gain to 1 million
- When popped the node adds a million metal to the owning AI's salvage stash and instantly fires off a reprisal wave, with a 30 second timer, regardless of current total salvage.
- (Possibly) distribution nodes are immediately destroyed on planet ownership change
Maybe the salvage reprisal isn't the best idea given that it will fly straight into exo-class choke points in most cases, but it would also have a chance of hitting a newly taken planet if the node isn't popped ahead of time. And for 'only' a million metal, I don't think a much harsher response is called for. 1 million salvage works out to 714 Mk I bombers, but those numbers can obviously be tweaked.
If you wanted to add an extra little wrinkle, you could make them targettable by player-ally and maybe even hostile-to-player forces...