Please read the whole post before you start.You're wondering why I'm posting this when we've already got Hamachi. Well Hamachi limits us to only 16 people a group and even worse, you still got to use "Direct Connect" in AI War to join a server. Well with GroupVPN, you're free from all of this! There's virtually no user limit and you don't need to use that "Direct Connect" function anymore!
Here's how to get GroupVPN up and running and by following this tutorial, you'll be up and running in no time (hopefully
STEP 1: DOWNLOAD GROUP VPN BINARIES GroupVPN for Windows v9Extract the folder into either the root of C:\ drive (where C is the drive Windows is installed in) or in Program Files. Whichever one you prefer.
STEP 2: INSTALL TAP DEVICE DRIVERThe Windows installers are available in GroupVPN\drivers\windows_tap. To install for Windows click install_tap.vbs, this will prompt you to allow the installer to install the device. If anything goes wrong, simply execute the uninstall_tap.vbs script and then the install_tap.vbs script. If you still have problems after that, make a new thread describing your problem. Make sure that the newly installed TAP device (located in Control Panel > Network Connections for Windows XP) is renamed to "TapIPOP".
STEP 3: SIGN UP AT THE WEBSITE up at the website above and validate your email. This is required for the next step.
STEP 4: JOIN THE "AI WAR: FLEET COMMAND" GROUPAfter you've validated and logged into the website, click on GroupVPN then click on the "Join" button for the "AI War: Fleet Command" group. Wait for one of the admins of the group to allow you access to the group.
P.S. Revenantus and I are currently the admins of the group. There will be more admins later so that there will be people available to accept you at all times
STEP 5: PREPARE THE GROUPVPN CONFIGAfter you've been allowed in and your on the group's 'homepage', click on "Download Config" and move that file into GroupVPN\bin. Open up "groupvpn_prepare.vbs". Click OK.
STEP 6: INSTALL THE GROUPVPN SERVICEOpen "install_windows.bat" which is located in the bin folder. This installs the GroupVPN service and configures it to start automatically. If you see your "ipoptap' network adapter connect to a 196.69.*.* IP, then congratulations, you've successfully set up GroupVPN!
P.S. Me and Revenantus have tested GroupVPN and it seems to be working well. Please be aware that neither me or Rev have done any extensive testing yet, like in-game performance. We don't recommend this until we've done more testing. If you want to try it out, then please, be our guest.
EDIT: Apparently I can distribute the config to others. They do not have to sign up onto the website. Should I distribute the config? Sounds rather dangerous, considering what Oranisagu's post #7. I probably won't, because the admin's can revoke someone if they are being pricks. If I distribute it publicly, the admins of the group will have no control over the users.