Author Topic: New to the game...  (Read 2028 times)

Offline madcow

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Re: New to the game...
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2012, 11:51:17 am »
I guess it makes sense to have a little extra hurt (beyond the normal hurt) if you have to resort to nuking your home system.

Offline LaughingThesaurus

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Re: New to the game...
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2012, 04:46:06 pm »
Yea, no more power-down, just stand-down, but the human settlements had their energy cost removed so that was a net gain :)  If you really don't want to spend the energy on the mercenary dock (or whatever), you can just scrap it and rebuild it if you ever need it again.

To the original question: nope, no control over what it gives you to start with, but I think the cryo pods, human settlements, and home command station are the only parts that are both non-scrappable and non-moveable.

Welcome to the forums!

It would be a rather hilarious oversight if it was possible to scrap the home command station.

I actually tested this, and I'm pretty sure the home command station is immune to being scrapped, because nothing would happen when I said "Yeah, go ahead and kill ourselves."