So I just played and lost a game, 7/7 sledge hammer/stealth master and neinzul cluster bomber/teleport turtle. What killed me was a seemingly endless early game stream of Mk 3 zombies. Any idea where those might have been coming from?
Edit: Ah, I think I figured it out. It's a hacking response, just got the same thing but worse in my new game. How is 500 threat worth of Mk 3 zombies, two waves "hacking response" waves, and a tachyon blanketing a "very low" response to an in-budget hack (as the roll-over says is anticipated)? Is there something I'm not understanding here? I thought the response was supposed to be manageable if you didn't run into the negative. This isn't so much "very low" as "game ending." What am I missing? At present I feel like I just can't hack, for fear of game-ending responses, any clarification of the rules here would be a great help!