Are you getting good numbers from the bundle? I hope so!
We'd thought they might be higher, but the 6.9k bundles sold thus far will certainly be a nice boost. We've also gained some traction with some other distributors as a result of them seeing the bundle. A solid promotion all around
@KDR_11k: Skyward has gotten a fair number of reviews but only 2 on the metacritic list iirc (and only one of those is showing up for some reason). Most of those who have written about it seem to really like it. Other reviewers may simply be taking time for a proper review in the midst of a busy schedule (there's also E3 right now, iirc), I dunno.
But Skyward continues to sell quite well for a non-promotional period, so it's doing great things to buttress the "baseline" so the promotions aren't having to pull all the month-to-month weight.