The new Exotic AI is so far my favorite among them, (admittedly I've only gotten to test 3 so far) but I find that the complete and total lack of warning before those Exo waves is VERY discouraging. My test run had my ships just 3 jumps from my HW, which I had turned into a fortress of death and carnage, so I figured it was ok to start striking back into AI space and clearing out worlds. Next thing I know a ping goes off, "The AI has launched an Exo Wave" (which was so quiet I didn't even notice the ping) and then 30 seconds later I hear that my HW is under attack, and there is a Exo force right there on my HW, complete with a FREAKING H/K! My starship fleet was too far away to even pretend it could help, and the fleetships were off in the boonies having cleared up a CA Post strike. That exo force tore through my MKIII FF and Hardened FF, a Superfortress, and a Human Mod fort. All while they were being debuffed from a P-Inhib, a MKII Radar Jammer, and I had the P-Booster helping me out. I also had MKIII Military and MKIII Logistics unlocked.
While I don't feel that the exo force itself was too powerful over all (I was at AIP 250 or so) I do feel that the complete lack of warning before suddenly a Exo spawns right next to my HW and kicks my face in is a tad over the top. Maybe give us a bit of a warning? No more than 2-3 minutes though. Since its replacing a wave, it should have no more warning than a normal wave