lso, you pay full scaled price for the Mk. V stuff from Mk. V fabricators and the like, why not with Mk. V turrets as well?
Because mobile fleet is superior to turretry.
Basically, mkV mobile fabricators are attractive targets even at fully scaled costs, but core turret fabs are not, mostly because of said costs.
True, but that may be a sign of an issue in the pricing structure in general.
The standard pricing structure over mark is 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x. While that may work for mobile stuff, it isn't really worth it for immobile stuff.
How about for turrets and other immobile (as in, cannot leave the planet) military stuff, the pricing structure becomes something more like 1x, 2x, 3.5x, 5x, 6.5x?
(I would actually like to see that structure be applied to mobile stuff, and turrets get 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, but one thing at a time I suppose)
Also regarding fabs: please let clicking on an uncaptured fab show its ship.
This, and for broken golems as well. Basically, use the sort of tooltip layout that spirecraft builder enclosures use (actual thing on top, thing that they will make and/or turn into below)