I *love* this release -- I was also having lots of trouble with hourly CPAs. Now I see them once every 3-4 hours -- often enough that I can enjoy some "tower defense", but not so often that they detract from the fun of offense. I do have a couple questions:
Glad to hear it! Glad it's a hit with all -- orzelek, sounds like you were also having the same problem as Harry.
1. When I use the "O" (Scout) filter on the galaxy map, it seems to mis-report Remains Rebuilder Units as scouts. I.e., I see a "Sct" on the galaxy map, but no little scout-diamond in the planet view. Maybe I'm missing something?
Hmm, that's odd. I'll check on that.
2. Speaking of Rebuilders, I seem to have trouble getting them to do anything. Are they supposed to rebuild broken turrets automatically? Often I see them sitting doing nothing. Do I have to put them in FRD mode?
They have a certain radius in which they'll work, and that's all (it says it on the abilities listing). If you want them to cover the whole planet, you would need to put them in FRD mode. It can be nice to have the option to keep them in just one area, which is why it works like that, but for most general uses FRD is the way to go for them and for teleporting engineers on your planet, for that matter. The target seek range on them is pretty much the same as engineers.
Other notes, just in case: do be aware that they require supply, so if that planet for some reason doesn't have supply, they'll just sit around stupidly. Also, they only rebuild
your turrets, not enemy turrets, just in case you were trying to rebuild enemy ones.
But in general, I'm really glad I tried this pre-release. I'm having my best game vs the 7/7 AI yet -- just destroyed a data center, AI Progress around 80, about to do some neutering and warp-gate raiding, and holding 5 planets after 4 hours, which is positively speedy by my standards. Also, I'm learning the fine art of combatting cloaked units, raiders, and decoys -- it sure is fun getting different enemies every time you play.
Sweet! Glad it's a hit. I think the 2.003 release (which is what 2.001 will be called when it goes official) really does beat the pants off the 2.0 release. But, that's always the goal with every release.