Also, can someone explain "Cold storage" to me? I seem to have missed this term.
It's not a gameplay thing, really, and the player doesn't have to think about it in-game. For the curious, it is a special category where ships that are:
1) AI
2) Guarding something (and thus not moving around)
3) on a planet with no hostile uncloaked ships
4) on a planet with fewer than 30 (I think it's 30) hostile cloaked ships
Are basically omitted from all normal processing checks, and thus cost a very BARE minimum of cpu to support. I may have forgotten some of the requirements.
Anyway at the start of the game, and anywhere in the galaxy you haven't been at all, most AI ships are cold storage, which is great for your framerate.
However, since they are handled differently in code, there have been some bugs, and when I change other stuff (like the planetary summary performance overhaul) sometimes I forget about it and thus the change is buggy.