The latest beta is available via the Updates window in version 3.000 or greater of the game. Just open the game and you can quickly download the prerelease through the updates tab. If you don't yet have 3.000 or greater, you can download 3.000
here. This prerelease version is compatible with any vendor's version of the game -- Steam, Impulse, whatever.
Note: If you have bug reports related to this release,
please log them in the
bug reports subforum with one bug per topic. It makes things infinitely easier for us. Thanks!
What's new since 3.019:(Cumulative release notes since 3.000 are attached at the bottom)
-Fixed Lobby not retaining proper checked-ness of minor faction types.
-Fixed AI ships stopping and starting a lot during movement towards a high-priority target (e.g. command station) out of its effective range.
-Fixed bug where ships put into frd by auto-frd control node were not returning to their original point after doing something on frd (like an engineer auto-assisting something).
-Fixed MaxHealth >= 1000000000 overriding PlayerAutoTargetLevel.None with PlayerAutoTargetLevel.DirectOnly.
-Previously, a bug was preventing players with greater than version 3.0 of the game from installing the expansion through the Arcen updater. Fixed.
-The latest set of fixes for music playback are now in place. They will only log errors relating to skips and hitches if the F3 debug output is showing (of special note to you, Kalzarius).
Updates in 3.021:-Fixed a crash bug in 3.020.