The latest prerelease is available at version is an upgrade from version 1.301, so you have to already have 1.301 (or greater) installed. Just unzip it into your game folder (usually C:\Program Files\Arcen Games\AI War\ unless you specified something else). Please make sure that your unzip process keeps the folder structure from the zip file, rather than just unpacking all of the files into the base target directory.
What's new since 1999L:
(Cumulative release notes since 1.301 are attached at the bottom)
-The confirmation message for gifting ships between players has been updated to reflect why ships can sometimes not be gifted.
-Fixed a super rare crash bug when changing music tracks.
-A new way of calculating an "adjusted score" for purposes of the high scoreboards has now been arrived at. This formula takes into account the difficulty level of both AIs, whether the player has a positive handicap relative to the AIs, the AI modifiers, and all the other relevant start-game factors, multiplied times the Score Over Time. This allows for consolidated, meaningful online leaderboards.
-AI War now integrates with Steamworks (optionally, for an upcoming public release for people who have Steamworks). As part of this, the following features have been added:
-AI War now logs achievements to Steam as well as locally.
-There is now a high scoreboard on Steam, that logs the best adjusted score of each player, and another that logs the raw scores.
-The GDI windows of AI War, which normally block DirectX-based overlays like Steam, now are moved out of the way when the Steam client is activated, allowing for a full and normal use of the Steam client at any point in the game.
-Mobile military ships no longer emit damage smoke even if they are large (this helps performance).
-Several performance improvements have been made to the collision detection algorithm, which really improves performance when a large group of ships are moving to near a large group of existing ships.
-Engineer target acquisition has been made more efficient.
-Raptors no longer have a minimum range.
-Shots now accelerate to match their target in these sorts of cases. The benefit of ships moving fast is meant to be useful in other ways, not for dodging bullets. This adjustment should help with raptors and autocannons and etherjets dodging bullets.
-Fixed a bug wherein a planet had to have supply for a command station to build in the last few prereleases.
-There were a few extra debug messages in the game at a few places. Fixed.
NEW ART - Philippe Chabot
Updated Infiltrator I, II, III, IV
Updated Missile Silo
Updated Starship Constructor
Updated Orbital Command Station - Warp Jammer
Updated Bomber I, II, III, IV, Core
Updated Cruiser I, II, III, IV, Core
Updated Figher I, II, III, IV