The latest prerelease is available at version is an upgrade from version 1.301, so you have to already have 1.301 (or greater) installed. Just unzip it into your game folder (usually C:\Program Files\Arcen Games\AI War\ unless you specified something else). Please make sure that your unzip process keeps the folder structure from the zip file, rather than just unpacking all of the files into the base target directory.
What's new since 1999I:
(Cumulative release notes since 1.301 are attached at the bottom)
-Sniper and Spider Turrets now do 3x more damage, but also cost 3x more.
-Snipers I-IV now do 3x more damage, and have costs that are increased by 3x (or more, in the case of the higher-level snipers.
-Achievements have now been added to the game! 129 of them, in fact (43 bronze, 40 silver, and 46 gold). Many achievements are not unlocked until the end of a campaign, but others are unlocked as the game progresses. The achievements that are checked in-game are checked right after autosaves, every two minutes, and right on load of a savegame.
NEW ART - Philippe Chabot
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