The latest prerelease is available at version is an upgrade from version 1.201, so you have to already have 1.201 (or greater) installed. Just unzip it into your game folder (usually C:\Program Files\Arcen Games\AI War\ unless you specified something else). Please make sure that your unzip process keeps the folder structure from the zip file, rather than just unpacking all of the files into the base target directory.
What's new since 1.202T:
(Cumulative release notes since 1.201 are attached at the bottom)
-The Paused text in the galaxy map has been moved down to a more pleasing location (where it does not overlap the game timer).
-The word "reinforcements" was misspelled on all the guard posts in the game.
-Previously, sometimes ships that were being pushed or displaced by force fields would become invisible. Fixed.
-Previously, after clearing a cross-planet gather point for a constructor, ships would still travel to the first planet on the old queue. Fixed.
-Previously, lightning shots that were mostly offscreen would disappear incorrectly. Fixed.
-Previously, the menus were not centering correctly in the game when the window titlebar was shown. Fixed.
-Previously, some of the menus and windows (like the View Controls window) could sometimes show up too tall when the window titlebar was shown. Fixed.
-There were previously some issues with the "ready checkbox" state being able to get out of sync in the lobby. Fixed.
-There were a few issues with mouse cursor position calculations when the window titlebar was shown and/or the window was moved around. Fixed.
-There is now a confirmation message when the combat style button is clicked, to prevent accidental clicks on it from causing players to need to save and reload.
-Previously, all ship icons were flashing for the first two seconds of a new game. Fixed.
-Previously, the windows "error" sound effect would play when players hit enter in the in-game chat textbox. Fixed.
-When an active player name is blank or "
" in the Manage Players interface, players with any name can connect into that slot and the name will become whatever the connecting player's name is.
-Autocannons and Spiders had their Mark IV variants named wrong in recent prereleases. Fixed.
-In the last prerelease, there was a minor glitch with the supply lines on the galaxy map, where if two non-player planets both had supply, a supply line would be drawn between them. Fixed.
NEW ART - Philippe Chabot