Note: This doesn't affect players playing solo, but multiplayer players please note that this version contains experimental network code. Basically, the entire TCP-based networking code from past versions has been ripped out, and a (hopefully faster) UDP-based solution has been put in its place. There may be problems. However, this has been out for several days with zero reported bugs so far, so it is probably mostly fine. More testing and feedback is much appreciated, though!The Latest prerelease is now out: version is an upgrade from version 1.201, so you have to already have 1.201 (or greater) installed. Just unzip it into your game folder (usually C:\Program Files\Arcen Games\AI War\ unless you specified something else). Please make sure that your unzip process keeps the folder structure from the zip file, rather than just unpacking all of the files into the base target directory.
What's new since 1.202B:
(Cumulative release notes since 1.201 are attached at the bottom)
-The buttons are now drawn in two stages, so that build ship type images don't get overlapped by the button backgrounds.
NEW ART - Philippe Chabot
Ready/NotReady in the Lobby
New Animated Cursor