After AI War 2.0 the frequency of updates for AI War itself is going to go way down, although there will still be new stuff and changes in at least one or two prereleases a week, with official releases coming every few weeks. That's my current plan, anyway!
You can't just cut us off cold turkey like that! You gotta decrease the update frequency in a step program so the withdrawal effects won't be so jarring.
Well, I doubt it will be a "hard stop" sort of thing.
Just that right now the pace is super high because there is so much to do and I am going to AI War 2.0. At some point there is going to be more stuff in the "nice to have" or "expand the game" type categories, and those I'll put out at a reduced rate so that I can actually make some other games, expansions, etc. It will still be a ton more free DLC content than you get with any other RTS game I can think of, but my time would be more like 5% to 10% on AI War (hopefully), and the rest on the other projects (some of which are AI War indirectly, the expansions).
AI War is going to continue to grow and grow and grow over the next few years, with plenty of free DLC and some really large amounts of new content in multiple expansions, so don't worry that I'm walking away from the game or something. There will always be new stuff happening with AI War for a long time to come. But I can't keep doing this same level of stuff with the prereleases if I want to do another project, ever, because right now this takes up around 150%-200% of my working hours time (that's not an exaggeration, that's counting all the long hours and weekends, etc).
But anyway, I doubt it will be an instant-off sort of thing, and I'll continue to provide information on what's going on with AI War, the expansions, and the other projects Arcen is working on. Hope that makes sense! No reason to worry!