The Latest prerelease is now out: version is an upgrade from version 1.013, so you have to already have 1.013 (or greater) installed. Just unzip it into your game folder (usually C:\Program Files\Arcen Games\AI War\ unless you specified something else). Please make sure that your unzip process keeps the folder structure from the zip file, rather than just unpacking all of the files into the base target directory.
Why is this now 1.201 instead of 1.014? Well, this release is just so huge that I felt it needed to be differentiated with a more major version number shift. People are going to remember this as the release where the economy became flow-based and got more robust, where the AI tactics became way more intelligent in many ways, and where a ton of interface and graphical improvements came into play, amongst other rebalancing and over a dozen new ship types. It's a whole new game from 1.013 in some respects when it comes to the advanced strategy, so this is something I felt was important to make really clear with the numbering.
What's new since 1.201A:
(Cumulative release notes since 1.013 are attached at the bottom)
-The K key can now be used to toggle low-power mode for selected ships.
-The low power mode energy usage is now shown in the hover info for the units that are in that mode.
-When ships are in low-power mode, their shields are now disabled, which makes them more vulnerable to incoming shots.
-Captive Human Settlements now produce 45 metal and crystal, rather than 15, bringing them inline with the new economy.
-Faster Starts: Players now start out with an Mark II Energy Rector, two Mark II Engineers, and all of their metal/crystal harvester points on their home planet assigned at the start of the game. This cuts down on the repetitive opening-game actions that players always take, and lets players get right to the actual real game much more quickly.
-Engineers can now be paused.
-Erroneously, in the past release paused ships could not move. Fixed.
-If a placement mode ship had a very high cost of metal or crystal, and a very low cost of the other resource, it would leave the cost of the lower resource as free. Fixed.
-The "pause" option for ships is now "low power mode."
-Putting ships into low power mode now makes them take only 10% of their normal energy costs to run. Also, putting ships inside transports makes them no longer require energy until they are ejected from the transport.
-More updates to the nebula graphics by Phil.