It was the Teleport Turtle AI. The other AI was the The Tank one, which was actually kind of interesting, since he was doing a pretty decent job of penetrating my defenses for a non-cloaking-centered AI.
Ah, that would be a cool/tough combo.
It was certainly interesting, and it did compliment nicely. I had to use The Tank's less-defended worlds to get around particularly tough Turtle worlds at times.
Ironically I was thinking last night that I hadn't seen many random bugs of that minor, slipped-through-the-cracks sort recently, and was thinking we might have cleared them all up.
Did you remember to knock on wood while you were thinking that.
Of course not. A few minutes later I tripped over that cloaked-ships-still-show-attack-radius bug.
Had my first crash too:
This one is incredibly odd and rare, it's basically a bug in calculating the Sin/Cos of an angle. Very much an edge case, and nothing that has changed since alpha, so that's odd. Must have been some sort of incredibly unlikely rounding issue. I've put in a fix in the next version that will prevent that from happening. Thanks for posting it!
Heh. Probably the floating point registers rounding 0.0000000001 to 0.0 and something dying due to it really not liking null/inf at that point.
I've been running through the various AIs recently, (basically 'til I get bored of the map ), just to test them to see if any are particularly harder/easier due to changes recently. Other then the Teleport Turtle AI which seems to make scouting all but impossible due to it's wormhole defense getting a little too enthusiastic with it's tachyon turrets, the only other one that seems a bit out of balance is the Special Forces AI. Currently due to it's lack of ability to assault it's units as a group, rather then as a "stream", it feels a little too easy to assault the world.
My upcoming 1.009 updates should hopefully make the Special Forces AI more formidable. Also, for unrelated reasons the turtle AIs are going to be a little bit less enthusiastic about building huge garrisons at every wormhole, same as all AI players will be. It was just a bit overdone at the moment, I think -- but if you want the same old kind of challenge, there's either difficulty 8 or I will be adding some AI modifiers that will let people double or remove the AI Wormhole Defense aspects.
Cool. Given that about 75% of my games are a stalemate at the moment at AI7, I think I'll cope.
Also, there seems like there might be a bug somewhere related to their bases, since it appears that at least on one world I took their special forces bases self destructed at one point, possibly after I build a command center. Not sure if this is intended as a random thing, or if it's just buggy.
Hmm, I've never seen that before. Let me know if you continue to see it, but I wonder if some of your long-range ships took it out without your notice, or something like that.
I saw it happen three or four times I guess. It always confused me because my ships were along way away, and I didn't have any sniper/etc ships too. Often I'd have had a bunch of ships send on their way to the special fortress location on the other side of the map; I'd get distracted doing other busywork trying to keep things safe/repaired, maybe dragging in my science vessels or something, then I'd look back to try to micromanage my ships, only to notice that they were not in range, yet the special fortress was gone, then I'd check the other points, again on the "other side of the map" so I knew that I couldn't have accidentally killed them, but they were also missing too, but the turrets that surrounded them was still there.
If I get around to it, I'll try and play a game with two special fortress AI's sometime soon and see if I can reliably duplicate it, because it's rather strange.
Anyway, more bugs & things:
The alert when things are attacking your primary command center is really useful; even more useful would be one for something attacking any of your command centers. Between the Tank AI in the last game, and the Special Forces one in this game I lost a lot of command centers because I couldn't really tell the difference between "yet another attack on my world that I don't really need to pay attention to" and one where I discover 10 or 20 minutes later that I don't have a command center where once there was one.
You can't repair engine damage on vorticular cutlass, since it can't be repaired, which makes the ship rather useless.
I'm guessing this may be one for an engine rating of "inf" or similar.
Mobile repair stations have all kind of weird things happening to them:
They often won't detect when something has moved into range of their healing that needs healing. I've seen multiple instances of multiple ships in a damaged state (they hadn't been attacked for ages), sitting right next to it yet it's not healing anything. I think it's got something to do with the problem noted later about it not noticing that it has finished healing something.
There's something weird with it's healing range. It will actually heal at a relatively large distance, but only if you bring it within, umm, about two diameter's of it's selection circle of an object to be healed? After that you can take it quite a distance away and it's still healing, but it won't detect unless it's close it seems.
Also the healing beams continue to show even after it's finished healing, until you move the station far enough away the object isn't within healing radius. In fact the healing beams will continue to show even when the object moves out of range, even when the object moves onto another map.
Sometimes the beams stop when you move the station, sometimes the beams continue for ages until something triggers that it should stop healing the not-in-range object.
It seems to work fine when it works, but it feels like you've got to be more lucky then anything to wiggle the various ships around until they get into just the right place for it to trigger properly.