Here's the latest prerelease: version is an upgrade from version 1.007, so you have to already have 1.007 (or greater) installed. Just unzip it into your game folder (usually C:\Program Files\Arcen Games\AI War\ unless you specified something else). Please make sure that your unzip process keeps the folder structure from the zip file, rather than just unpacking all of the files into the base target directory.
What's new since 1.008J:
(Cumulative release notes since 1.007 are attached at the bottom)
-Wormhole Command Posts are now positioned on the wormhole they are guarding, rather than to the side.
-Non-mobile enemy ships are no longer displaced by mobile force fields' movement.
-The metal/crystal cost of Mark II Science Labs has been much reduced, and their shields have been reduced from 2500 to 1500.
-The range of all the tachyon beam emitter variants have been increased.
-Both the counter-shooter range and the attack range is now shown during ship placement mode for ships that have both (like Fortresses).
-The position of the attack ranges during ship placement mode was drawn slightly off. This was only notable for very large ships, like Fortresses. Fixed.
-Until now, the AI was not properly limiting its reinforcements based on the tech level of each reinforcement. Now it is, which means that the hugely vast numbers of ships on the final planets are somewhat less likely to occur, making things a bit more equivalent for players when they get there (given equal AI progress). On the other hand, the AI will now build Mark V ships on the home and core planet command posts during reinforcements, whereas before it only build Mark IV ships there. The overall balance shift should be a bit in favor of the human players, which is good given the other behavior changes in this release in favor of the AI.
-Previously, when a constructor had a cross-planet gather point, resetting the gather point to the current planet would not work. Fixed.
-The AI alert level is now shown in the intel summary of enemy planets. This shows if the AI is likely to reinforce or not at a given planet, based on how aware it is of your presence. The border color of the enemy ship icons and planet icons on the galaxy map will also turn crimson when the AI is on alert and prepared to reinforce at a given planet.