Here's the latest prerelease: version is an upgrade from version 1.007, so you have to already have 1.007 (or greater) installed. Just unzip it into your game folder (usually C:\Program Files\Arcen Games\AI War\ unless you specified something else). Please make sure that your unzip process keeps the folder structure from the zip file, rather than just unpacking all of the files into the base target directory.
What's new since 1.008H (I was an internal release):
(Cumulative release notes since 1.007 are attached at the bottom)
-In recent releases (1.007 and on), maps that are 80 planets or larger were creating far too many data centers and advanced research stations on each map, making the game much easier than it otherwise would be. Fixed.
-When a munitions booster's object goes out of range, dies, or switches planets, the munitions booster now reacts to this more quickly and removes the link.
-Ships that are unable to hurt shield bearers will no longer auto-attack them as targets. This makes shield bearers less of a targeting distraction in battles.
-Previously, the AI would just stop dead and not know what to do if the only enemy ships on a planet were fully cloaked. Now the AI will ignore them as if they were not even there, instead of waiting around for them to decloak.
-Since version 1.006, the Astro Trains were sometimes stopping permanently at train stations. Now they might stop for a little while, but they will quickly resume travel like they used to before some of the waypoint shifts.
-When ships controlled by the human team are only partially-cloaked, they now no longer show the cloaking graphic under them. This makes it clear when ships are at least visible enough to be shot, versus being fully cloaked and unshootable (before the difference between fully cloaked and partially cloaked for your own team's ships was imperceptible -- now the difference between partially-cloaked and decloaked is imperceptible, but when it is a ship you control there is no gameplay difference between these two states, anyway).
-Engineers now only clear mines when there is nothing else for them to do inside their search range.
-A total count has been added to the new Control Group icon tooltips.
-Mines are now immune to blade-based ships (vampire and cutlass), which will prevent those ships from attacking mines (and dying) when the mines are visible.
-There was previously a desync that could be caused in multiplayer if one player was looking at a force field when new ships were added or the force field went down, and other players were not. Fixed.