Hello x4000 and all,
I recall reading a thread several days ago about setting preferred interstellar routes, and how to implement that. I had a simple idea (from a user perspective rather than an implementation perspective).
Looking at the galaxy map, each planet has a wormhole link shown as a line. This line is usually white, except when you are hovering over a planet in which case all that planet's links turn thick and yellow (helpful to the unaided eye) or when routing ships.
What I suggest is, when nothing else is selected, allow a wormhole link (the line) to be clickable, and allow it to have the following states (that particular link):
a) Normal (white) - current routing logic
b) Preferred (green) - prefer to route ships along this link in the routing logic
c) Disliked (yellow) - prefer not to route ships along this link in the routing logic
d) Disallowed (red) - don't allow ships to transit this link in the routing logic
Of course, that makes your routing logic that much more complex, but as it is it seemed that your routing logic got a few updates (preferred routes through owned starsystems, etc.) recently, so I thought this might be a good time to bring up this idea.
An additional enhancement might be to have a "show other specified player's routing preferences" option, and even a "use specified player's routing preferences" so that, if desired, there could be a central "routemaster" player.