So... I started a nice game today, and one of my AI's was one of those SOB's with cloaked guard posts.
Okay, I thought, decloakers as usual. No big deal... They take freaking forever to build... But they make this not so much an issue.
A little while latter I realise I've gone through 20 decloakers in the last 10 min. And have no clue how... until I realize...
His ally seems to be using zenith mirrors... Oh my.
I selected my decloakers... only to realize they cannot be powered down.
... And with their range, they decide to break every mirror they can.
More interestingly, decloakers are one of the few units I've ever seen survive a reflected shot. Which is nice and all. But doesn't matter when there are constantly mirrors around... And with decloakers (awsomely) long range, they ping em frequently. And with no way to stop this behavior...
Now. I don't mind decloakers being cuddly hugged by mirrors so much. Mirrors cuddly hug everything that doesn't fire missiles at the cost of their lives. The problem is there is NO way to stop my decloakers (which are completely necessary, against an AI who is spamming alot of cloaked, and has cloaked guard posts) alive. I suppose I could use transports... but that seems like its a bit silly.
Could we please get the ability to tell decloakers to NOT shoot--aka power em down--like every other ship? Perhaps also no tachyons when powered down to compensate... I don't mind powering them up when they are needed... Why can't they power down anyway? Seems like anything with tachyons has said inability... (Tho I didn't check scout starships... but their tachyon is silly small.) That said, decloakers having a gun--and not being able to power down... is irritating. Tho if it's a choice of loosing the gun. I would keep the awesome bombardment gun... XD
PS: XD Also... Why are zenith bombards told they're strong against teleport stations? XD... Mk 1-2's so far cry before a handful of tele stations...