It's 700 (1000 for homeworlds and core worlds) on normal caps. The 200 is the same on all cap scales, though.
From another thread. So, in reality, nerfing hurts you worse in Low/Ultra-Low cap games? Ow.
Yea, I kinda thought so too. Though that population cap being high doesn't hurt very much, I thought, but I'm not the guy playing 9+
Here are the current values for the reinforcement-cap-relevant things;
AIShipCapPerPost = 150;
AIShipCapMinimum = 200;
AIShipCapMaxNormal = 1000;
AIShipCapMaxCoreOrHome = 1300;
AIShipCapPerPost = 100;
AIShipCapMinimum = 200;
AIShipCapMaxNormal = 700;
AIShipCapMaxCoreOrHome = 1000;
AIShipCapPerPost = 75;
AIShipCapMinimum = 200;
AIShipCapMaxNormal = 500;
AIShipCapMaxCoreOrHome = 800;
AIShipCapPerPost = 50;
AIShipCapMinimum = 200;
AIShipCapMaxNormal = 400;
AIShipCapMaxCoreOrHome = 600;
I only set the UltraLow ones, and was trying to follow the pattern, but I think the pattern doesn't really take into account how uncompromising the differences are between scales. It makes sense on our end because really the only reason we wanted the cap was to keep it from causing out-of-RAM. But from the player perspective it's pretty off (not that you'd notice much if you didn't know, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be better). So I'm thinking of just making each step down half the step above for all those values, and just see how that goes.
Chew chew chew chew... that's some chewy stuffs.
Thought you'd think so
I find it interesting that AIP affects both # of reinforcement pulses as well as # of planets to affect.
Where does AIP affect # of planets reinforced?
It's also curious that AI Diff barely affects the reinforcement except at the final stage. 1 or 2 planets doesn't really seem like much.
In the save in question (it's the one you submitted for me to investigate the CPA throwing everything and the MkV Kitchen Sink at you) you were getting 3 reinforcements per player per cycle, because of the bug where non-integer difficulties weren't getting the bonus, and that's now 4 because of the fix. I think you had taken 6 planets (for a total of 7 non-AI planets) at that stage.
The third part of that curiousity, for a game that wants 'higher' AIPs then minimal play styles, it caps off at 170 AIP at AI Diff 10, 150 for 7. Very interesting.
I'm not sure what you mean: 110 is the AIP beyond which guardPostReinforcementPulses ceases to increase (nvm, just saw your edit on that), but the reinforcementStrength computations for both central and guard-post pulses increase with AIP and there's no bound (well, there is the min-to-35 step on central pulses, but you'd have to have an
insane AIP to hit that, since it's before the *=0.07 step).
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2
Which save are you using for this? At most, Craps carries four wormhole guardposts. I'm curious where the other four guardposts came from, it must be an early save where it was un-nerfed.
Which part of the log are you looking at? Craps gets picked first, but it then is not actually reinforced because it's over cap, and Blackjack is then evaluated (with those numbers for that line).
I still am under the personal opinion that this should be based on AI Diff, with the current value as the default for AI Diff 7:
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 2.36
I wouldn't mind making it that way for diffs > 7, but I don't think the ones lower than 7 need any fewer reinforcements
And in general I'm really hesitating to do any significant increase to reinforcements just because it "makes the math feel cleaner" because that could make a real grind-fest out of some games. Big waves sledgehammering you is at least a relatively gratifying experience (either it's ignorable, fun, or you're dead), but big reinforcements just makes a big wall.
This is interesting:
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2
Includes the command station, yet:
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 7.07
Seems to assume the command station wasn't included in the earlier value.
If it weren't for the 1+ on the front of that, 1 command station + 10 guard posts would make that step a *= 0, and the AI would not be amused.
Anyway, the point of that is that any planet with 10 or fewer guard posts gets the same number of pulses, albeit the central pulses are bigger than the guard post pulses (by a
lot on non-trivial difficulties).
What's this line meant to indicate? I don't understand its purpose:
StrengthBudget += 7 = 7
It's just saying that it's adding the strength of that pulse into the running budget. That running number starts at zero at the beginning of the SendReinforcements call, and can go negative if the AI picks a ship bigger than its current remaining budget, and if it's <= 0 (sometimes it will read as zero when it's actually 0.004, though) then it can't buy anything (except during the free guardian step) until pulse contributions bring it out of the negatives.
I'd like to see/understand a bit more about the decisions to buy guardians. Does it simply get to add one guardian per pass if there isn't a cold-storage defender on the post?
The AI thread has no concept of cold-storage, actually. It has its own lists of everything (to avoid thread-sync-hades).
Anyway, what it does there is:
- Check a few preliminary conditions (planet is below reinforcement cap, player difficulty is >= 6, player owns the planet, planet is not adjacent to human homeworld)
- Builds a list of any guard-post (including wormhole) or command-station that:
-- Has fewer than 1 guardian (2 on diff 8+, 3 on diff 10)
-- Hasn't been given an AI command during that time through the AI loop (what does that I'm way less clear on, but I think in effect all it means is that each cannot get more than 1 guardian per SendReinforcements call)
- If there's anything in that list, picks one item from it at random and spawns (for free) a single random guardian of the appropriate mark level at that object
So a planet can get at most one "free" guardian per reinforcement sent its way, and there's no compensation if it doesn't meet the requirements.
Also, does guard population count all ships in system belonging to player X or only the cold-storage defending ones? Does the 'always on' long range fleet count towards that population if defender only is counted?
everything associated with that player's number that's on the planet, bar none. The command station, guard posts, all ships, even minor factions that happen to share the same number (that only applies to the first AI player, iirc, as no minor factions are given the number of the second one).
Beachheads. I'd need to get a better idea of how firepower is determined though.
It's kinda weird, but I think you can set the galaxy displays to use FP instead of count so you can see yours. In this case you're probably best off just killing everything on the planet with
any firepower (the wormhole guardposts could be left, I guess, since they have so little) and if you have enough on the planet to quickly kill a quad-reinforcement then presumably you've got enough on there to trigger the outnumbered threshold too.
One tricky thing is that with two same-diff AIs it's likely that one will do its reinforcement a few seconds before the second, giving time for the first one's ships to spawn and update the firepower counts, but not enough time for you to kill off the first part, so unless your garrison satisfies the 1.5x condition against the first's spawns, it would disrupt it for the second AI's call. But if your ships can do the job quickly, you'll probably still meet the condition against the full spawn.
Yea, this is even better than the previous point: there's almost no reason to kill wormhole guard posts unless there are more than 10 on a planet.
This is inaccurate to my perspective. 1) Guardians spawn afaik at 1/post. Unless you want to eat extra guardians, blow the wormposts.
I don't think even in 5.031 it would spawn 1 guardian per post on any kind of regular basis, but since a pulse could go "negative" on its budget without that carrying forward it's certainly possible for that to happen (but not regularly). In 5.032 they wouldn't be able to do that unless the per-pulse guard-post strength was over 30 or so, which would take around 8100 AIP.
And then there's the free guardian per reinforcement, which could be up to 4 free guardians if the planet was alert, outnumbered, and there were more reinforcements per player than alert reinforceable planets. It couldn't be 8, though, because free guardians only happen if that specific player owns that planet.