Ok, the logging is (hopefully) easier to understand now; this is probably what it's going to be (in terms of logging format, I still need to do some testing to make sure this isn't a massive change in total reinforcement strength, etc) in 5.032, unless there's something else y'all spot.
These logs are from the same save, but the randoms didn't roll all the same way in the gamestate so Craps doesn't have the outnumbered boost, etc.
3/24/2012 12:39:46 PM (5.031) 6:02:27 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 8 (since game was loaded, took 210 checks of (9+rand(2 or 3))
AIProgressionLevelEffective = 178
AITechLevel = 2
numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 3
numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 3
since AIDifficulty >= 8, numberOfReinforcements += 1 = 4
AICommandType.SendReinforcements sent to AI thread
3/24/2012 12:39:47 PM (5.031) 6:02:34 ReinforcementCounter reached > 2400 for player 9 (since game was loaded, took 209 checks of (9+rand(2 or 3))
AIProgressionLevelEffective = 178
AITechLevel = 2
numberOfReinforcements = (number of planets not controlled by the AI / 2) = 3
numberOfReinforcements must be at least 1 and at most 15; = 3
since AIDifficulty >= 8, numberOfReinforcements += 1 = 4
AICommandType.SendReinforcements sent to AI thread
3/24/2012 12:39:46 PM (5.031) 6:02:26 calling SendReinforcements
PlayerNumber = 8
AIProgressionLevel = 178
AITechLevel = 2
NumberOfReinforcements = 4
Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) :
43 (Craps) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
21 (Blackjack) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
17 (Shawshank) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
7 (Confederation ) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
42 (Twycross) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
20 (Roulette) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
29 (Riker) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500
27 (Earth) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500
12 (Three Kings) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300
26 (Kirk) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300
20 (Roulette) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
43 (Craps) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
17 (Shawshank) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
42 (Twycross) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
7 (Confederation ) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
21 (Blackjack) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
(23 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 43 (Craps), StrengthBudget = 0
Number of this player's units on this planet = 262
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet exceeds reinforcement population cap, cancelling reinforcement attempt
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: did not happen
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 21 (Blackjack), StrengthBudget = 0
Number of this player's units on this planet = 6
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt
guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(8+1)) = 2
***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not)
AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 14.4
reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 20.4
reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 37.49
reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 33.73
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 2.36
reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.36
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 7.07
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 7.07
numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 7
StrengthBudget += 7 = 7
--- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 7
bought 7 SpacePlaneII for 8
total count bought: 7, total strength spent: 8, remaining = -1
***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses:
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/270 = 0.66
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 0.59
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 7; = 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 1
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = 0
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0
bought 1 MissileShipII for 2
total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -2
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -1
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -1
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -1
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = 0
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0
bought 1 VorticularCutlassII for 1
total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 1, remaining = -1
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = 0
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0
bought 1 FighterII for 2
total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -2
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -1
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -1
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -1
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = 0
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0
bought 1 BomberII for 2
total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -2
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -1
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -1
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -1
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = 0
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0
bought 1 BomberII for 2
total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -2
***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn
not buying guardian due to planet not owned by this player
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -2
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 17 (Shawshank), StrengthBudget = -2
Number of this player's units on this planet = 23
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt
guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(0+1)) = 10
***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not)
AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 1
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 14.4
reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 25.4
reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 42.49
reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 42.49
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 2.97
reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.97
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 32.63
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 32.63
numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 32
StrengthBudget += 32 = 30
--- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 30
bought 15 Bomber for 30
bought 1 SpacePlane for 1.14
total count bought: 16, total strength spent: 31.14, remaining = -1.14
***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses:
Dood! Neutered! *mutter*
***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn
not buying guardian due to planet not owned by this player
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -1.14
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 7 (Confederation ), StrengthBudget = -1.14
Number of this player's units on this planet = 13
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt
guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(6+1)) = 4
***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not)
AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 14.4
reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 19.4
reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 36.49
reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 32.83
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 2.29
reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.29
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 11.46
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 11.46
numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 11
StrengthBudget += 11 = 9.86
--- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 9.86
bought 2 VorticularCutlassII for 2
bought 4 FighterII for 8
bought 1 SpacePlaneII for 1.14
total count bought: 7, total strength spent: 11.14, remaining = -1.29
***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses:
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/270 = 0.66
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 0.59
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 7; = 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 1
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -0.29
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -0.29
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -0.29
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = 0.71
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.71
bought 1 AIGuardianRaiderII for 21.78
total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 21.78, remaining = -21.06
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -20.06
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -20.06
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -20.06
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -19.06
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -19.06
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -19.06
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -18.06
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -18.06
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -18.06
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -17.06
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -17.06
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -17.06
***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn
not buying guardian due to planet not owned by this player
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -17.06
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 42 (Twycross), StrengthBudget = -17.06
Number of this player's units on this planet = 53
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt
guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(0+1)) = 10
***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not)
AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 1
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 14.4
reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 24.4
reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 41.49
reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 41.49
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 2.9
reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.9
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 31.86
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 31.86
numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 31
StrengthBudget += 31 = 13.94
--- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 13.94
bought 13 SpacePlane for 14.86
total count bought: 13, total strength spent: 14.86, remaining = -0.92
***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses:
Dood! Neutered! *mutter*
***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn
not buying guardian due to adjacent to human homeworld
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -0.92
totals for planet 21 (Blackjack); count: 12, strength: 17
totals for planet 17 (Shawshank); count: 16, strength: 31.14
totals for planet 7 (Confederation ); count: 8, strength: 32.92
totals for planet 42 (Twycross); count: 13, strength: 14.86
totals for SpacePlaneII; count: 8, strength: 9.14
totals for MissileShipII; count: 1, strength: 2
totals for VorticularCutlassII; count: 3, strength: 3
totals for FighterII; count: 5, strength: 10
totals for BomberII; count: 2, strength: 4
totals for Bomber; count: 15, strength: 30
totals for SpacePlane; count: 14, strength: 16
totals for AIGuardianRaiderII; count: 1, strength: 21.78
*grand totals; count: 49, strength: 95.92
3/24/2012 12:39:48 PM (5.031) 6:02:33 calling SendReinforcements
PlayerNumber = 9
AIProgressionLevel = 178
AITechLevel = 2
NumberOfReinforcements = 4
Planets in order of planned reinforcement attempt (note: alerted planets will get two lines, and a line with priority >= 2000 will get tried twice) :
42 (Twycross) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
43 (Craps) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
20 (Roulette) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
7 (Confederation ) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
17 (Shawshank) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
21 (Blackjack) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
27 (Earth) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500
29 (Riker) (homeworld, +500) reinforce priority = 500
12 (Three Kings) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300
26 (Kirk) (core, +300) reinforce priority = 300
17 (Shawshank) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
43 (Craps) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
42 (Twycross) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
20 (Roulette) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
7 (Confederation ) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
21 (Blackjack) (alerted) reinforce priority = 0
(23 more reinforceable planets that are not alerted and have reinforcement priority = 0
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 42 (Twycross), StrengthBudget = 0
Number of this player's units on this planet = 21
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt
guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(0+1)) = 10
***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not)
AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 1
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 14.4
reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 27.4
reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 44.49
reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 44.49
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 3.11
reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 3.11
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 34.17
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 34.17
numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 34
StrengthBudget += 34 = 34
--- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 34
bought 2 Bomber for 4
bought 2 MissileShip for 4
bought 3 MunitionsBooster for 30.04
bought 2 Fighter for 4
bought 1 VorticularCutlass for 1
total count bought: 10, total strength spent: 43.04, remaining = -9.04
***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses:
Dood! Neutered! *mutter*
***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn
not buying guardian due to planet not owned by this player
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 3, StrengthBudget = -9.04
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 43 (Craps), StrengthBudget = -9.04
Number of this player's units on this planet = 460
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet exceeds reinforcement population cap, cancelling reinforcement attempt
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: did not happen
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 20 (Roulette), StrengthBudget = -9.04
Number of this player's units on this planet = 9
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt
guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(0+1)) = 10
***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not)
AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 3
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 14.4
reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 26.4
reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 43.49
reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 30.44
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 2.13
reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.13
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 23.38
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 23.38
numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 23
StrengthBudget += 23 = 13.96
--- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 13.96
bought 7 BomberIII for 14
total count bought: 7, total strength spent: 14, remaining = -0.04
***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses:
Dood! Neutered! *mutter*
***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn
not buying guardian due to planet not owned by this player
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 2, StrengthBudget = -0.04
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 7 (Confederation ), StrengthBudget = -0.04
Number of this player's units on this planet = 18
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt
guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(6+1)) = 4
***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not)
AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 2
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 14.4
reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 22.4
reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 39.49
reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 35.53
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 2.48
reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.48
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 12.4
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 12.4
numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 12
StrengthBudget += 12 = 11.96
--- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 11.96
bought 1 MunitionsBoosterII for 10.01
bought 1 BomberII for 2
total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 12.01, remaining = -0.06
***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses:
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = AIP/270 = 0.66
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse *= (tech level multiplier) = 0.59
reinforcementStrengthPerPulse must be at least 1 and at most 7; = 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, reinforcementStrengthPerPulse = 1
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = 0.94
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.94
bought 1 MissileShipII for 2
total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 2, remaining = -1.06
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -0.06
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -0.06
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -0.06
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = 0.94
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 0.94
bought 1 SpireBladeSpawnerII for 33.57
total count bought: 1, total strength spent: 33.57, remaining = -32.63
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -31.63
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -31.63
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -31.63
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -30.63
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -30.63
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -30.63
---doing pulse for WormholeCommandPost
StrengthBudget += 1 = -29.63
AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = -29.63
total count bought: 0, total strength spent: 0, remaining = -29.63
***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn
buying AIGuardianZombieII to guard WormholeCommandPost
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 1, StrengthBudget = -29.63
******calling SendReinforcementsToPlanet on planet 17 (Shawshank), StrengthBudget = -29.63
Number of this player's units on this planet = 9
reinforcement population cap = (GuardPostsNonWormhole + CommandStations) * UnitCapScale.AIShipCapPerPost = (1 * 100) (must be at least 200 and at most 700) = 200
Number of this player's units on this planet does not exceed reinforcement population cap, continuing reinforcement attempt
guardPostReinforcementPulses = (AIProgressionLevel / 10) = 17; (must be at least 3 and at most 11) = 11
guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse = guardPostReinforcementPulses - ( GuardPostsAll + CommandStations ) (cannot go below 0) = max(0,11-(0+1)) = 10
***Doing central reinforcement pulse (this will go to the command station if there is one, and pick another spot if not)
AITechLevel = at least planet's AIOriginalTechLevel = 1
aiTypeBasedAIPIncrement : 0
reinforcementStrength = 1.5 * AIDiff * handicapMultiplier = 14.4
reinforcementStrength += 4 + random(0,AIDifficulty) = 23.4
reinforcementStrength += ((AIP/10) * (AIDiff/10)) = 40.49
reinforcementStrength *= (tech level multiplier) = 40.49
reinforcementStrength *= 0.07 = 2.83
reinforcementStrength must be at most 35; = 2.83
reinforcementStrength *= (1 + guardPostReinforcementPulsesShiftedToCentralPulse) = 31.1
Inside AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType, multiplier: 1
after AdjustNumberShipsFromAIType call, reinforcementStrength = 31.1
numberShips = Floor(reinforcementStrength) = 31
StrengthBudget += 31 = 1.37
--- AIBuyShipsFromList StrengthBudget = 1.37
bought 1 VorticularCutlass for 1
bought 1 Bomber for 2
total count bought: 2, total strength spent: 3, remaining = -1.63
***Doing guard-post reinforcement pulses:
Dood! Neutered! *mutter*
***checking for additional (no-strength-cost) guardian spawn
not buying guardian due to adjacent to human homeworld
SendReinforcementsToPlanet result: happened, remainingReinforcements = 0, StrengthBudget = -1.63
totals for planet 42 (Twycross); count: 10, strength: 43.04
totals for planet 20 (Roulette); count: 7, strength: 14
totals for planet 7 (Confederation ); count: 4, strength: 47.59
totals for planet 17 (Shawshank); count: 2, strength: 3
totals for Bomber; count: 3, strength: 6
totals for MissileShip; count: 2, strength: 4
totals for MunitionsBooster; count: 3, strength: 30.04
totals for Fighter; count: 2, strength: 4
totals for VorticularCutlass; count: 2, strength: 2
totals for BomberIII; count: 7, strength: 14
totals for MunitionsBoosterII; count: 1, strength: 10.01
totals for BomberII; count: 1, strength: 2
totals for MissileShipII; count: 1, strength: 2
totals for SpireBladeSpawnerII; count: 1, strength: 33.57
*grand totals; count: 23, strength: 107.63