I voted for the spider again, but I know that Acid Sprayer, Armor Booster and Armor Rotter all need work, just a lot more then you are willing to do as the whole Armor system likely need an overhaul to make them work. I flat out laughed at AI in the the 4 homeworld 10/10 game that just started when I saw their bonus ships were: Acid Sprayer, Armor Rotter, and Armor Booster. I don't know if they could get a worse set of ships to use
Although those ships definitely need work in their "average case" usefulness, you'll find them to be very annoying at times. Those armor rotters will wreak havoc with your hardened forcefields, raid starships, and golems. (the few cases where armor is noticeable currently)
And armor boosters + starships (particularly raid) is actually pretty good. If you have a source of exos, you may even get armor boosters + spirecraft or golems.
Acid sprayers...their ferocity depends on what you chose for your bonus ship(s). Though be on the lookout for their heavy bonus (they have heavy bonus, right?).
My bonus ships have been Maws, snipers and whatever is needed to have those two connected in a nice line. I normally do play with both Spire Hard and Golem hard, but I dropped those down to easy for the 10/10 game, I am still however doing the full Fallen Spire Campaign so I will be seeing Exo waves.
I don't normally use hardened forcefields outside of an extended cap of forcefields, so I don't know how how that will go over, my raiders are almost always deep striking into the AI worlds to clear up guardposts, so maybe the Raid Starships are dying faster then they normally would. But given that I am using them to pop guard posts to draw AI units to the wormhole just outside my whipping boy so that my Maws can hop in, grab a bunch then hop out and drop them off next to the botnet, I don't care that much that they die, so long as they sent a few dozen to several hundred ships my way.
That works quite wonderfully at keeping the AI from getting massive blocks of threat, and a few Spire Frigates work wonderful with the Maws to take out anything that is immune to them. The only real problem with it, is that there is no way to unloaded everything but Mk. V ships, so I do have to be careful that I don't just unload a few hundred ships next to the botnet that it can't hurt, I had an accident unload kill that botnet more times that I would care to count. The number of ships a full cap of Mk 1-4 Maws on high caps with four homeworlds can hold is scary in a way.