Author Topic: The ultimate 10 / 10 challenge that allows a controlled one single cheat.  (Read 3669 times)

Offline chemical_art

  • Core Member Mark IV
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First create any game of ai wars through the lobby. Enable cheats. Type in "omni".

Now, quit said game. Don't quit ai wars entirely.

Make a new lobby game.

Now, start any 10 / 10 game using any methods you like. Be sure to disable cheats.

The result?

You can make units instantly. You have access to core lvl triangle ships and some core starships.

So what is the catch to these marvelous "I win" things?

You lob a MK III nuke before leaving your planet.




I know I can't win. But I wonder if anyone could. This environment is controlled from the "I get everything cheats" for this method makes it so you can cheat with cheats disabled, and with it disabled you can't just make anything.

Although I suppose I would be curious if even if using the "I get everything" ish cheat you can still win with CSG on and with 5k aip before you leave your planet.***

***I think you could, because you can kite with the armored golem and laugh as the ai ignores you comm station, but I don't feel like trying it tonight.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 09:38:04 pm by chemical_art »
Life is short. Have fun.