I see some votes for "they shouldn't be!"
My argument(s) for why they should be:
In the base game: Once you have a planet within transport distance of a Homeworld, you can hunker down, and send a bunch of sequential bombers-in-transports waves, destroying the core guard posts one by one. The first such wave does trigger the brutal post(s), but once you deal with the fallout, it is easy to just wear the AI down. You can also reduce a HW to just its AI command station for only 16 AIP. This means that you have effectively cheated the 100 AIP increase without attacking the HWs simultaneously.
If you have cloaking raiders, it is even easier.
Cloaker starships up this to ridiculous, especially given that warheads (and spirecraft rams) can be cloaked.
Superweapons are supposed to make the HWs easier, but in practice can make them trivial. Especially penetrators, as they let you bypass the 2 core forcefields+fortress III every HW has. Fallen Spire gets a pass because those ships are supposed to be incredibly powerful, and the AI gets a defence fund to compensate.
The main problem is that routine defence of your empire requires more military force than attacking a homeworld. This leads to regular sense of anticlimax in most cases.
The core worlds: they are supposed to defend the HWs, but in practice are almost always ignorable: send your fleet past them, and they suddenly don't care that you are wreaking havoc on their HW. When the HW is below its ship cap, the core fleets should be reassigned to the HW. Thus it is possible to bait the AI if the players so choose, but is costly and difficult.
I am aware that the last HW buff came recently, and that special forces now defend it. However, I have played six games since the HW buff, and every one of them except one was anticlimactic. The one, meanwhile, was only exciting because of a simultaneous AI attack, rather than the difficulty of my own attack.
Another problem is that your first attack has a chance to release all the AI defenders from its HW, allowing you to deal with them and the nasty HW structures as separate problems. This happens every time if you nuke the HW (this also puts the big, nasty fortress III out of supply).
My ideal version of the HW buff:
MOAR Ships/Guardians: This is a simple, boring increase on its own, but stacks with other suggestions to make attacking the HWs (the entire goal of the whole game) a challenge rather than a letdown.
Anti-cloaking measures: either roving decloaker patrols, or frequent planetwide tachyon pulses. This prevents cheese like having a penetrator waiting to kill the AI command stations, a cloaked warhead group destroying a bunch of posts with no risk, and stuff like sending wave after wave of cheap cloaked stuff to destroy posts one by one.
Extra Brutal Pick: As an option for both, or added to the second HW when the first is destroyed.
Bring Core Fleets to defend: The core worlds are meant to defend the HWs after all, and this would open up new tactical options, and force players to operate in the core worlds, where they currently almost never have to go.
Extra Core Guard posts: Another simple fix to bump up the difficulty without new mechanics.
Provoke Galactic Response: the most important. This makes the wave-after-wave tactics much harder to pull off. Though we want multiple waves, we don't want a grind, which is often the best tactic currently. Ideally HWs should go down in 2-3 waves. This also makes sense thematically: the AI is concerned. It responds.
Perma-Alert if attacked: You have demonstrated that you have power sufficient to challenge the AI. It is not amused, and becomes concerned for its safety. This also prevents players from lightly entering HWs.
Buff Core Posts more: they are still pretty insignificant compared to the Ion cannons, mkV fleet, fortresses, OMDs, ect.
Finally, my pet mantis suggestion: AI defence fleets. These make timing the HW attacks important, and I feel they would improve the entire game, not just the endgame, by supporting the "AI attention is fatal" theme.
http://www.arcengames.com/mantisbt/view.php?id=9137In conclusion, I want the HW attacks to be engaging, multi-step tactical puzzles, which they, in their current state, are not.