Man, I'm late for yet another discussion.
Anyway, here are my thoughts:
Of course resources feel the same. They are easily interchangeable!. 1.5 : 1 transfer ratio is NOTHING.
Lets do some math:
If you make 100m and 100c per minute, but your fleet costs 1000m and 2000c (thats 2:1 ratio, quite horrible) , it will take you 16 minutes to build it.
If you make 100m and 100c per minute, but your fleet costs 1500m and 1500c (The perfect 1:1 ratio), it will take you 15 minutes.
The difference is 1 minute. In relative values, that's under 7% longer compared to perfect ratio.Thats NOTHING.
If conversion was disabled, it'd take 20 minutes to build the first fleet. That's 33% longer. Now that does look quite significant.
And the 2:1 ratio is actually an extremely terrible value. It never goes anywhere close to that. Except maybe when you do nothing but waste your MK I-IV cap of raid starships. When it comes to building any large group of different units, it is gonna be not too far from 1:1.
Complete disable of M/C conversion does feel wrong though. It is sad to see one resource pile up massively while the other is in deficit, so its great to be able to flush it. Except right now you dont flush it. You just ignore the whole thing and let the game convert stuff back and forth with minimal waste.
My suggestion: nerf the ratio TO HELL. Make it 3:1, 5:1, maybe even 8:1. See if people keep disregarding M:C balance then.
Oh but i know what's gonna happen: "Waaa, having to worry about resource aspect is limiting my choices!". Well yeah it does, it limits you from "Whatever the F*** you want", to "Some fleet compositions are not very viable from resource standpoint". Go play AI difficulty 1/1 if you want to do whatever you want, you pansy. Want to stand up against real challenge? Then start thinking and make decent fleet composition. We do want people to think and make strategic decisions, right?
M and C are different resources for a reason. Right now, this reason is not very noticeable. Well let us make everyone notice... or go with those other suggestions and get rid of the whole mechanic altogether.
Speaking of which... do we actually want people to worry much about optimising their fleet composition based on resource costs? (though imo of course we should, it adds an additional layer to the general problem of picking your fleet composition. There can never be enough layers.)
M and C are generally not the most important resource in the game. There is no pushing need to maximise your income and distribute it optimally. This kind of thing happens in highly dynamic games, where armies grow, collide and suffer losses at all times, so the need to build more of everything is there constantly.
In AI War, however, resources are only needed during those periods when your fleet or defences are damaged and need to be rebuilt. Higher income just means shorter downtimes. And those times are usually short enough and not matter much.
So even if we do add some complexity, it will only affect a relatively small part of gameplay. I think it still is good, as the times when your fleet is down are usually when you are most vulnerable, so being able recover fast is an important part of strategy.
The main problem with increasing downtime lies, as usual, with chokepointing. In a game where you rely on your chokepoint fortress system to defend against AI waves on its own, the only thing longer downtime does is make you wait longer for the fleet to rebuild. I blame it on the chokepointing though. On its own, managing your defences during fleet downtime is an important, fun and challenging aspect of the game.