Acquiring Target...
- Gravity Drain
2 (3.4%)
- Gravity emitting units (all of them)
8 (13.8%)
- Gravity turrets
5 (8.6%)
- Heavy Beam Turret
2 (3.4%)
- Hive Golem
2 (3.4%)
- Martyrs
8 (13.8%)
- Spirecraft Jumpship
5 (8.6%)
- Spirecraft Penetrator
1 (1.7%)
- Spirecraft Scout
6 (10.3%)
- Tackle Drone Launchers
10 (17.2%)
- Zenith Paralyzers
- 0 (0%)
- None of these need a nerf! (don't use your other votes, will count by head instead of vote)
9 (15.5%)
Total Members Voted: 0