Doing Special Forces Spawn; Game Time: 11:55:03
baseSizeFactor = 30
specialDifficultyFactor = Game.Instance.Options.TotalSpecialDifficultyModifier (based on difficulty, homeworld count, handicap) = 1.8
effectiveAIP = 450
aiTypeMultiplier = (1 + 2 per Special Forces Captain AI) = 1
specialForcesPostsInNonAITerritoryMultiplier = Mat.One + ( FInt.FromParts( 0, 050 ) * numberOfSpecialForcesPostsInNonAITerritory ) = 1
specialForcesStrengthCap = baseSizeFactor * difficultyFactor * effectiveAIP * aiTypeMultiplier * specialForcesPostsInNonAITerritoryMultiplier = 24297.36
strengthMissing = specialForcesStrengthCap - totalExistingSpecialForcesStrength = 23525.34
percentMissing = strengthMissing / specialForcesStrengthCap = 0.97
maxNumberOfSecondsToSpawn196Strength = ( ( 196 * 300 ) / specialForcesStrengthCap ) * 60 = 145.2
actualNumberOfSecondsToSpawn196Strength = maxNumberOfSecondsToSpawn196Strength - ( ( maxNumberOfSecondsToSpawn196Strength / 2 ) * percentMissing ) = 74.92
strengthToSpawn = (FInt)( secondsPerSpawnCheck * 196 ) / actualNumberOfSecondsToSpawn196Strength = 164.82
strengthToSpawn = Min(strengthToSpawn,strengthMissing) = 164.82
allocating 0.24 out of 1 (39.84 strength) for role: None , eligible types:MissileShipII, RaiderII, NeinzulScapegoatII
allocating 0.51 out of 1 (84.42 strength) for role: AntiBomber , eligible types:FighterII, MicroFighterII, AcidSprayerII, BulletproofFighterII
allocating 0.14 out of 1 (22.77 strength) for role: LongRange , eligible types:ZenithBombardmentII, SpiderII
allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: CopperPlatedBastard , eligible types:
allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: Tractor , eligible types:
allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: Gravity , eligible types:
allocating 0 out of 1 (0 strength) for role: Reclamator , eligible types:
allocating 0.11 out of 1 (17.7 strength) for role: DefenseCracker , eligible types:BomberII
actually bought:
9 MissileShipII @ 2 each, so total for line = 18
7 NeinzulScapegoatII @ 2 each, so total for line = 14
8 RaiderII @ 0.98 each, so total for line = 7.84
15 BulletproofFighterII @ 2.18 each, so total for line = 32.72
7 FighterII @ 2 each, so total for line = 14
9 AcidSprayerII @ 2 each, so total for line = 18
16 MicroFighterII @ 1.33 each, so total for line = 21.33
4 SpiderII @ 2 each, so total for line = 8
2 ZenithBombardmentII @ 8 each, so total for line = 16
9 BomberII @ 2 each, so total for line = 18
Grand total: 86 ships, 167.89 strength
Looks like the bombards are valued at what I would imagine is a similar per-cap ratio. Ill leave it running a bit longer, as I recently cleared the entire SF group with a mk2 emp, and see what happens.
I found these lines kinda interesting.. (light water and shore of infinity are two of my spire city defense planets)
Rejecting excessive human-firepower planet Light Water, math breakdown:
( ( planet.AttackingShipsFirepowerSim + planet.ThreatShipsFirepowerSim ) / 2 ):0
Rejecting excessive human-firepower planet Split Fire, math breakdown:
( ( planet.AttackingShipsFirepowerSim + planet.ThreatShipsFirepowerSim ) / 2 ):0
Rejecting excessive human-firepower planet Shore of Infinity, math breakdown:
( ( planet.AttackingShipsFirepowerSim + planet.ThreatShipsFirepowerSim ) / 2 ):0
No accessible eligible targets, so rallying in AI space on planet Spring Of Belief