And stealth battleships need only a minor tweak to make them legit. I don't want any big changes here, just something that when they are revealed, they stay revealed for some small amount of time, or maybe if they get damaged below a certain amount, or just slow them down a little bit.
You mean keep them revealed for longer than usual after being tachyon'd? I can't recall off the top of my head: when a ship fires it doesn't recloak for like 8 seconds after its last shot, is that true when it is tachyon'd?
Unless it is the super cloaker AI with the planetary "ultra cloak boosting" (can keep ships that are actively firing cloaked, which not even super cloak boosting can do), I don't think there are any bugs with the decloaked time, even if the initial decloaking source (eg, a tachyon) and the subsequent causes of decloaking (eg, firing) were different, the firing will still properly reset the 8 second cloaking "cooldown" that the tachyon initially set. There may be some bugs there, but I haven't noticed any.
However, part of the problem is that in large waves, some of the SSBs will still slip through, and the AI plays smart with their cloaked ships and tries to keep them cloaked by keeping them from firing (like with stand-down mode) until they reach their target or they are decloaked. This makes SSBs really obnoxious if any slip through your wormhole defenses.
Again, I would suggest nerfing their radar dampening, making them more manageable once they do get revealed. It wouldn't hurt human uses of them too much, but it would make "feel" fairer when the AI uses it.
And my other, more extreme suggestion of giving them a <1 AI usefulness in waves multiplier (thus reducing their numbers in waves) if that wouldn't be enough.