Pretty much definitely needed:
- Parasites in particular probably need more health, since right now they crumple too easily.
Agreed. I can just fly my 200+ fighters over a bunch of Parasites, and all that remains would be, well, their remains
- Parasites probably need more firepower and/or, a faster rate of fire would help them to be the last shot hitting that which is being converted.
I'm definitely for the idea of them having higher rate of fire, or higher firepower. Probably (definitely) higher rate of fire,
if you're going for the last-hit-wins deal. However, I'd like to point out that I am very,
very against the last-hit-wins idea. Too much luck involved.
However, if you're set on going this path, I'd make the rate of fire epic fast (2 seconds? 1.5 seconds?) and perhaps lower their attack by a little, or leave it the same. I'd also give them slightly more HP, and possibly shields, so they'd be able to solo.
Wild ideas:
- Off and on, I have recently been considering giving the Raid Starship reclamation in order to make that more consistent with its line. Then, perhaps improving the stats of leech and stealth leech above that. Some renaming of that line would probably be needed if this was done.
I'm not for this. I agree with what Fiskbit said, about how Raid and Leech should be entirely different lines. Just split them off entirely, and have a line of Raids, and a line of Leeches.
- One idea I had was potentially to have parasites insta-kill ships that they are able to attack, but then that health also comes out of the parasite's health. But, then reclaimed ships would come back at 100% health. This could be hard to balance, though, and I have not fully fleshed out the idea yet. I'm not super in love with it, but it's sort of interesting to think about.
As is, that is definitely not the best choice. But if I may take some liberties...
- Lower the ship cap of Parasites (this prevents spamming, obviously)
- Lower the rate of fire of Parasites (to nerf their reclaiming ability)
- Cause Parasite health to be halved (quartered? Thirded?) every time they reclaim a ship (discourages hordes of Parasites, and promotes mixing of units)
- Have the reclaimed ship come back at the HP of the Parasite ship (discourages hordes of Parasites, makes it virtually impossible for Parasites to reclaim an entire system)
- Give Parasites a repair ability; perhaps they auto-repair if they haven't reclaimed a unit in (rate_of_fire * 3), or something to that effect (encourages Parasites to stick with group, encourages tactical retreats, allows Parasites to survive on a planet that has no supply, causes Parasites to not be so heavily reliant on Engineer and MR Stations)
This would actually help Parasites, imo, because it would cause them to be more of a group-oriented ship. Heavily group-oriented. The patch causes them to be a solo type ship, which they are obviously not built for. This encourages, if not forces, them to be reliant on other ship types, causing them to be more of a support role (which is what they were always meant to be, in my eyes at least
- Alternatively, possibly all reclaimed ships could be zombified (which makes them not count against ship cap, but also makes them not controllable and just acting as FRD until there are no mobile enemy ships left, in which case they then move on). This would make the botnet golem a lot less unique, of course.
Nah... I like the idea of zombies, but that's for the Botnet golem
- Alternatively, have some sort of "reclaimed mode" for ships, which is both different from normal mode and from parasited mode. The key features of this mode would be that the ships would be normally controllable, but would not count against ship cap and would not cost energy... but what else beyond that? Possibly they start out at full health if the parasite was the one who dealt the killing blow (then the amount of damage dealt to each ship by reclaimers could be discarded), and they gradually drain in health over something like a 10 minute period or something unless they are repaired. That would prevent players from amassing huge standing fleets of reclaimed ships, but would still be able to amass large quick strike groups to do so (or, at cost of resources, could amass and maintain a large fleet of reclaimed ships if it is paired with engineers and mrs stations). This is perhaps the idea I like the best.
Interesting. I'd definitely either go with this idea, or your modified idea (see above). Although, this still kinda encroaches on the territory of the Botnet golem, as this is still a "zombie army", just human controlled, not computer controlled.